Network Security Agent

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{|case|} and {|nocase|}

Unless "nocase" is specified, the default is "case" - i.e. case-exact. If "nocase" is specified, the scanned text will match regardless of case (i.e. text can be upper, lower or mixed case).

If a group of words such as "Change your password!" is the pattern, there will be a match only if every character, space, etc. of the scanned text matches the pattern exactly.

Pattern: "{|nocase|}{(sylogin)}"
Pattern: "{|nocase|}{(cluster_login)}"

Results: Matches will be found if the words "sylogin" or "cluster_login" are found in upper, lower or mixed case.

Pattern: ("sylogin") and "{|case|}sylogin"

Result: Since the default is "case", these two patterns are the same and they would only match on text that is lowercase "sylogin".


The text is at the beginning of a line.

Pattern: "{|bol|}UAF>"

Result: Will match if the line starts with "UAF>".

A match will be found in:

UAF> xxxx

No match will be found in:

Should "UAF>" be displayed ...


The text is at the end of the line.

Pattern: "Passwords{|eol|}"

Result: Will match if the line ends with "Passwords".

There is a match in this text:

This is important - Change your Passwords

There is no match in this text:

Passwords need to be changed often

Using Multiple Options

The following examples show how to use several options in a pattern.

If searching for specific characters in a banner line such as:

Payroll for January 31, 1997                                     Page 1 

the following pattern can be used:

"{|bol|}Payroll for ?* Page {0-9}*{|eol|}"

If you want a match on:

Admin Payroll for January 31, 1997                                Page 1 
Officer Payroll for January 31, 1997                              Page 1 

you can use this pattern:

"{|bol|}{<Admin|Officer>} Payroll for ?* Page {0-9}*{|eol|}"

8.4 Maintaining E-mail Distribution Lists

An E-mail distribution list can be used to send a message to several users. For example, you can specify an alert action of "EMAIL distribution_list" (distribution_list is the name of an E-mail distribution list) to cause INTOUCH INSA to send a message to multiple users when an alert incident occurs.

You can create new E-mail distribution lists and/or maintain current lists. To create or maintain E-mail distribution lists, select the E-mail Distribution Lists option from the Maintenance menu.

                        |  Alerts                      | 
                        |  Rules                       | 
                        |  E-mail Distribution Lists   | 
                        |  Page                        | 
                        |  Page Distribution Lists     | 
                        |  Purge and Archive Records   | 

When you select the E-mail Distribution Lists option, the following screen is displayed:

 INTOUCH INSA        E-mail Distribution List Maintenance           23-Jan-1997 
   |  New List                                 | 
   |  Exit                                     | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

Click on New List to create a new distribution list.

After lists are created, they are also displayed on this menu and you can select the E-mail distribution list you want to edit.

8.4.1 New List

The New List option allows you to create a new E-mail distribution list. When you select this option, the following is displayed:

 INTOUCH INSA        E-mail Distribution List Maintenance           23-Jan-1997 
Distribution list name       : 
Distribution list description: 
Distribution list name? ____________________ 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

List Name

Enter the name of the E-mail distribution list you want to create. The name can be up to 20 characters in length.

Enter the name portion only. Do NOT enter a device, directory or type. For example:

Distribution list name? mgrs________________ 

After you enter a list name, the name is displayed in the top section of the screen.

List Description

Enter a short description of the new E-mail distribution list you are creating. The description can be up to 40 characters in length.

Distribution list description? All system managers_____________________ 

The description is displayed in the top section of the screen.


You are asked if you want to proceed with the file creation.

                                 |  Yes    | 
                                 |  No     | 
                                 |  Exit   | 

  Select Yes to create the new E-mail distribution list.
  Select No to return to the file description prompt.
  Select Exit to abandon the file creation and return to the Maintenance menu.

If you select Yes, you are placed into the INTOUCH INSA editor. The first few lines of the new text file have been created and are displayed. You can use the editor to add names to the list. For example:

 !** To exit the editor, while holding down the Ctrl key, press the Z key. 
 !** This will get you to the "Command:" prompt.  Type EXIT to exit the 
 !** editor.  Type HELP for help. 
 ! All system managers 
 [End of file] 

Comments can be included in the E-mail distribution list. Comments are identified with an exclamation mark (!).

When you exit from the editor, you will return to the E-mail maintenance options menu.

8.4.2 Editing E-mail Lists

If you want to change data in an E-mail distribution list, use the mouse to select the list you want to change. For example, you could select "MGRS" from the following menu:

   |  New List                                 | 
   |  MGRS   All system managers               | 
   |  UNIX   UNIX managers                     | 
   |  Exit                                     | 

After you select the distribution list to be changed, you are placed in the INTOUCH INSA editor and the lines of the text file are displayed. You can use the editor to add, change or delete names in the list. You can also use the editor to change the file description.

When you exit from the editor, you are returned to the E-mail distribution list menu.

Deleting a Distribution List

To delete an E-mail distribution list, delete all lines in the file.

8.5 Page File Maintenance

NOTE: The INTOUCH INSA page feature is an optional feature. If your INTOUCH INSA box is not set up to use the page feature and you wish to get this feature added to your box, you can contact Touch Technologies, Inc. for information.

The page file contains page records. Each page record contains information about a person who can be paged when an alert incident occurs. "Page" is one of the actions that can be set up for an alert. For example, you might want to be paged when someone accesses the password file. If this is the case, one of the alert actions would be "page xxx".


Before you can use the paging feature, you will need to contact Technical Support at Touch Technologies, Inc. (800-525-2527 or 619-566-3603) to get assistance in creating the page script file. The script file contains the actual paging instructions, and is used by INTOUCH INSA to page someone.

You can add and delete records in the page file. You can also review and change information in the page records.

To perform maintenance or inquire on information in the page file, select the Page option from the Maintenance menu.

                        |  Alerts                      | 
                        |  Rules                       | 
                        |  E-mail Distribution Lists   | 
                        |  Page                        | 
                        |  Page Distribution Lists     | 
                        |  Purge and Archive Records   | 

When Page is selected, the following screen is displayed:

Example 8-7 Page Maintenance Screen

 INTOUCH INSA                Page File Maintenance                  08-Mar-1997 
 Page name  : 
 Phone      : 
 PIN        : 
 Script name: 
 Page count : 
 Last page  : 
   |  Add Page Information          | 
   |  Change Page Information       | 
   |  Delete Page Information       | 
   |  Inquire on Page Information   | 
   |  Exit                          | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

NOTE: If your INTOUCH INSA box is not set up to use the page feature, the following message is displayed:

Warning: your INTOUCH NSA machine is not set up to page

The page maintenance options allow you to:

You can use the mouse to select and execute any of the options.

8.5.1 Adding Page Information

Select Add Page Information if you want to add page records to the page file.

   |  Add Page Information          | 
   |  Change Page Information       | 
   |  Delete Page Information       | 
   |  Inquire on Page Information   | 
   |  Exit                          | 

The "Add" option asks you for the following data:

Page name

The first prompt asks for a page name.

 ADD: Page name? ____________________ 

Enter the page name you want to add to the page file. For example, if you are going to be paging FRED, you can enter FRED as the page name.

NOTE: After a page record has been added to the page file, the page name cannot be changed.

The page name can be up to 20 characters in length.

 ADD: Page name? fred________________ 

After the page name is entered, it is displayed in the top section of the screen.


You are asked to enter a short description.

The description can be up to 50 characters in length.

 ADD: Page description? Page record for Fred Jones in Admin_______________ 

After the description is entered, the information is displayed in the top section of the screen.


The \ (backslash) key can be used to back up to a previous prompt.


You are asked to enter the pager phone number.

The phone number can be 7 or 10 digits in length.

 ADD: Phone? 6195551212 

After the phone number is entered, the information is displayed in the top section of the screen.


You are asked to enter a PIN --- personal identification number --- for the pager.

The PIN number can be up to 30 characters in length.

 ADD: PIN? 1234567_______________________ 

After the PIN is entered, the information is displayed in the top section of the screen.

Script Name

You are asked to enter a script name. This is the name of the script file that contains the actual paging instructions. INTOUCH INSA uses the information in the script file to page someone.

The script name can be up to 40 characters in length.

 ADD: Script name? mobilecomm______________________________ 

After the script name is entered, the page record is added to the page file, and a message tells you that the page record has been added.

After you have finished adding page information, enter exit or press the \ (backslash) to return to the page file maintenance menu options.

Page Count and Last Page

You are not asked for the page count or last page data. INTOUCH INSA updates these fields automatically as pages are sent.

Page count is the total count of pages that have been sent since INTOUCH INSA was installed and the page feature was enabled.

Last page is the date and time when the last page was sent.

8.5.2 Changing Page Information

Select Change Page Information if you want to change page data in the page file.

   |  Add Page Information          | 
   |  Change Page Information       | 
   |  Delete Page Information       | 
   |  Inquire on Page Information   | 
   |  Exit                          | 

After you select the Change option, a menu of page names is displayed. You can use the mouse to select the page name you want to change.

              +Change Page Name+ 
              |  ALLEN         | 
              |  BOB           | 
              |  FRED          | 
              |  Exit          | 

If, for example, "FRED" is selected, the current information for this page name is displayed.

 Page name  : FRED 
 Description: Page record for Fred Jones in Admin 
 Phone      : (619) 555-1212 
 PIN        : 1234567 
 Script name: MOBILECOMM 
 Page count : 5 
 Last page  : 09-Mar-1997  01:02:03 AM 

This information can be changed:

At each prompt, you can either enter new data or press [Return] to keep the current data. As you proceed through the prompts, the data is displayed at the top of the screen.

After you have completed the changes, the record is changed. An appropriate message tells that the page record was changed and you are asked for the next page name to change.

After you have completed maintaining page information, select the Exit option to return to the page file maintenance menu options.

8.5.3 Delete Page Information

Select Delete Page Information if you want to delete records from the page file.

   |  Add Page Information          | 
   |  Change Page Information       | 
   |  Delete Page Information       | 
   |  Inquire on Page Information   | 
   |  Exit                          | 

After you select the Delete option, a menu of page names is displayed. You can use the mouse to select the page name you want to delete.

              +Delete Page Name+ 
              |  ALLEN         | 
              |  BOB           | 
              |  FRED          | 
              |  Exit          | 

If, for example, "FRED" is selected, the current information for this page name is displayed.

 Page name  : FRED 
 Description: Page record for Fred Jones in Admin 
 Phone      : (619) 555-1212 
 PIN        : 1234567 
 Script name: MOBILECOMM 
 Page count : 5 
 Last page  : 09-Mar-1997  01:02:03 AM 

After you have reviewed the page information, you are asked if you want to proceed with actually deleting the page record.

   +Proceed Delete+ 
   |  Yes         | 
   |  No          | 
   |  Exit        | 

  Select Yes to delete the displayed page record.
  Select No to return to the page name selection menu.
  Select Exit to abandon the deletion.

An appropriate message tells whether the page record was deleted or the deletion was abandoned.

After you have completed deleting page records, select the Exit option to return to the page file maintenance menu options.

8.5.4 Inquiring On Page Information

Select Inquire On Page Information if you want to review data in the page file.

   |  Add Page Information          | 
   |  Change Page Information       | 
   |  Delete Page Information       | 
   |  Inquire on Page Information   | 
   |  Exit                          | 

After you select the Inquire option, a menu of page names is displayed. You can use the mouse to select the page name you want to review.

              +Display Page Name+ 
              |  ALLEN          | 
              |  BOB            | 
              |  FRED           | 
              |  Exit           | 

If, for example, "FRED" is selected, the current information for this page name is displayed.

 Page name  : FRED 
 Description: Page record for Fred Jones in Admin 
 Phone      : (619) 555-1212 
 PIN        : 1234567 
 Script name: MOBILECOMM 
 Page count : 5 
 Last page  : 09-Mar-1997  01:02:03 AM 

After you review the page information and press [Return], the page names menu is displayed and you can select another page name.

After you have finished inquiring on page information, select the Exit option to return to the page file maintenance menu options.

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