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5.7 Uppercase Text with the <UPPERCASE> Tag

Normally uppercased text is output in uppercase. Should there be a need to uppercase text that would not be output as uppercase, you can use the <UPPERCASE> tag to insure uppercase output. The format is:


Example: <UPPERCASE>

Using the UPPERCASE tag will insure that the text is <uppercase>(uppercased). 


Using the UPPERCASE tag will insure that the text is UPPERCASED.

5.8 Lowercase Text with the <LOWERCASE> Tag

Normally lowercased text is output in lowercase. Should there be a need to lowercase text that would not be output as lowercase, such as in a heading line, you can use the <LOWERCASE> tag to insure lowercase output. The format is:


Example: <LOWERCASE>

Using the LOWERCASE tag will insure that the text is <lowercase>(LOWERCASED). 


Using the LOWERCASE tag will insure that the text is lowercased.

5.9 Using the <DOCTYPE> Tag

If you plan to use only one doctype for your document, you might want to identify that doctype in your SDML file. The <DOCTYPE> tag is used for informational purposes only and does not appear in the output file. It works the same way as the <COMMENT> tag. This tag can be placed anywhere in your SDML file. The format is:

<DOCTYPE>(document type)

Example: <DOCTYPE>



There is no output.

5.10 New Terms can be Identified with the <NEWTERM> Tag

You can identify a new term in your documentation by using the <NEWTERM> tag. This tag causes the text to be output in italic. This tag works like the <EMPHASIS>(italic) tag. The format is:

<NEWTERM>(term or text)

Example: <NEWTERM>

When you use DECdocument, you need to determine the <newterm>(doctype)
and the <newterm>(destination).  The doctype is the type of document you 
are creating and the destination is the output device the document will 
be printed, displayed or viewed on. 


When you use DECdocument, you need to determine the doctype and the destination. The doctype is the type of document you are creating and the destination is the output device the document will be printed, displayed or viewed on.

5.11 A Special Word can be Identified with the <KEYWORD> Tag

You can identify a special word in your documentation by using the <KEYWORD> tag. This tag causes the text to be output in bold. This tag works like the <EMPHASIS>(bold) tag. The format is:


Example: <KEYWORD>

When you use DECdocument, you need to determine the <keyword>(doctype)
and the <keyword>(destination).  The doctype is the type of document you 
are creating and the destination is the output device the document will 
be printed, displayed or viewed on. 


When you use DECdocument, you need to determine the doctype and the destination. The doctype is the type of document you are creating and the destination is the output device the document will be printed, displayed or viewed on.

5.12 Using the <BOX> Tag

If your documentation contains text that you want to put into a box such as text having to do with the terminal keyboard keys, you can box in the key so it appears as a key. To do this, you use the <BOX> tag. The format is:

<BOX>(text to be boxed)


The boxed text can be up to a maximum of 15 characters in length.

Example: <BOX>

Here is how you box <box>(some text). 
When you want to get HELP, you press the <box>(Help) key. 


Here is how you box [some text].

When you want to get HELP, you press the [Help] key.

5.13 Using the <TAG> Tag

If you want to describe the DECdocument tags in your text, you can use the <TAG> tag. The formats are:

<TAG>(tag name)

<TAG>(tag name\argument)

Example: <TAG>

If you want to identify a new paragraph, you use the <tag>(p) tag. 
If you want to bold some text, you use the <tag>(emphasis\bold) tag. 


If you want to identify a new paragraph, you use the <P> tag.

If you want to bold some text, you use the <EMPHASIS>(bold) tag.

5.14 Using the <PAGE> Tag

Under normal conditions, DECdocument determines the spacing and what text is put on each page of the output file. If you review the output file and find that certain text would look better if moved to the next page, you can force a page break by using the <PAGE> tag.


The <PAGE> tag should be used with caution because it can cause unwanted page breaks in the documentation. This tag should be used only to improve appearance after the documentation has been finalized.

The format is:


Example: <PAGE>

If you want to force a page break, you can use the PAGE tag.  For example: 
This text will start on a new page. 


If you want to force a page break, you can use the PAGE tag. For example:

This text will start on a new page.

5.15 Using the <FINAL_CLEANUP> Tag

The <FINAL_CLEANUP> tag is an expanded version of the <PAGE> tag. This tag can be used to force page, line and other breaks.


The <FINAL_CLEANUP> tag should be used with caution because it can cause unwanted page, line and other breaks in the documentation.

The <FINAL_CLEANUP> tag is always used with an argument. The argument tells what type of break (i.e. page, line, etc.). Two of the formats are:




You can force a line break by using the FINAL_CLEANUP tag 
with the LINE_BREAK argument.  For example: 
This text is printed on a new line. 
You can force a page break by using the PAGE tag.  You can also 
force a page break by using the FINAL_CLEANUP tag with the 
PAGE_BREAK option.  For example: 
This text will start on a new page. 


You can force a line break by using the FINAL_CLEANUP tag with the LINE_BREAK argument. For example: This text is printed on a new line.

You can force a page break by using the PAGE tag. You can also force a page break by using the FINAL_CLEANUP tag with the PAGE_BREAK option. For example:

This text will start on a new page.

5.16 Formalizing Tables with a Name

In a previous chapter, you learned how to create a table and to give headings to the columns in the table. Now you will learn how to name a table. When you give a table a name or heading, the table becomes a formal table.

To formalize a table, all you need to do is add the table name, in parenthesis, to the <TABLE> tag.

If you use a doctype that creates chapter and section numbers (such as is done with this manual), the table name will include a table number. The following output will show a table number because this example is going to be the first formal table in this chapter.

Also, if your document has a table of contents, all formal tables will be included under the heading TABLES. If you look at the table of contents for this manual, you will see the following table listed.

Example: naming a table

<table>(Counting Pennies)
<table_row>(50\half dollar) 


Table 5-1 Counting Pennies
Pennies Denomination
5 nickel
10 dime
25 quarter
50 half dollar
100 dollar

5.17 Formalizing Examples with the <EXAMPLE> Tag

In a previous chapter, you learned how to use the <CODE_EXAMPLE> tags to output unformatted text and examples. Now you will learn how to name the example. When you give an example a name or heading, the example becomes a formal example.

To formalize an example, you use the <EXAMPLE> and <ENDEXAMPLE> tags. The format is:

<EXAMPLE>(example name)

block of text


If you use a doctype that creates chapter and section numbers (such as is done with this manual), the example name will include an example number. The following output will show an example number because this example is going to be the first formal example in this chapter.

Also, if your document has a table of contents, all formal examples will be included under the heading EXAMPLES. If you look at the table of contents for this manual, you will see the following example listed.


<example>(Dog Picture)
                           D O G  | 
                   |    ^ |              \
                   |______|              / 
                          /             \
                          \             / 
                           /  \     /  \
                         _/  _/   _/  _/ 


The <EXAMPLE> tag and its associated tags have many more uses. The above example is only one use. You can refer to the Using Global Tags and Producing Online and Printed Documentation manuals for detailed information.


Example 5-1 Dog Picture

                           D O G  | 
                   |    ^ |              \
                   |______|              / 
                          /             \
                          \             / 
                           /  \     /  \
                         _/  _/   _/  _/ 

5.18 Reference Other Text with the <REFERENCE> Tag

In your documentation, you might want to reference material in different parts of your document. You can reference chapters, sections, tables, examples and other tagged items with the <REFERENCE> tag.

Before you can reference other parts of your document, you need to give a symbol name to the chapters, sections, tables, examples, etc. that you want to reference. Symbol names:

Symbol names are appended to the chapter, table, etc. names in the CHAPTER, TABLE, etc. tags. The symbol name is prefixed with a "\" backslash. Here are some examples:

        Without Symbol Names            With Symbol Names 
        -------------------------       ----------------------------------- 
        <chapter>(Dogs)                 <chapter>(Dogs\sample_doc_chap) 
        <head2>(Selecting a Dog)        <head2>(Selecting a Dog\select_dog) 
        <table>(Counting Pennies)       <table>(Counting Pennies\money) 
        <example>(Dog Picture)          <example>(Dog Picture\dog_pic) 

When the document parts have symbol names, you can use the <REFERENCE> tag to reference material throughout your documentation.

Example: <REFERENCE>

To get information about dogs, refer to <reference>(sample_doc_chap). 
See <reference>(select_dog) for information on dog sizes and 
examples.  See <reference>(dog_pic) for a picture of a dog. 
<reference>(money) tells about pennies. 


To get information about dogs, refer to Chapter 4. See Section 4.1.1 for information on dog sizes and examples. See Example 5-1 for a picture of a dog.

Table 5-1 tells about pennies.


The Using Global Tags manual gives more detailed information on how the <REFERENCE> tag can be used.

5.19 Creating Symbols with the <DEFINE_SYMBOL> Tag

In your document, you might use the same word or text string many times. For example, the word "DECdocument" is used throughout this manual. Instead, of typing "DECdocument" many times in the SDML file, a symbol was defined to represent "DECdocument".

Using symbols is very helpful, specially if there is a possibility that the word or text could change. If it was decided that "DECdocument" should really be "DEC Document" (i.e. two words), only a single line of text in the SDML file would require changing.

After symbols have been defined, you can reference them using the <REFERENCE> tag.

The format is:

<DEFINE_SYMBOL>(symbol name\word or text string)

Defined symbols:


Here is an example of some defined symbols and how they would be referenced.

<define_symbol>(st_b\St. Bernard)
<define_symbol>(g_and_b\Groups and Breeds)
In the dog world there are many <reference>(g_and_b).  Within the 
<reference>(g_and_b), there are different sizes of dogs ranging from 
the <reference>(chh) to the <reference>(st_b).  The <reference>(chh)
is one of the very smallest dogs and the <reference>(st_b) is one of 
the largest dogs. 


In the dog world there are many Groups and Breeds. Within the Groups and Breeds, there are different sizes of dogs ranging from the Chihuahua to the St. Bernard. The Chihuahua is one of the very smallest dogs and the St. Bernard is one of the largest dogs.

5.20 Creating Footnotes with the <FOOTNOTE> Tag

Footnotes can be created for text and for tables with the <FOOTNOTE> tag. Text footnotes appear at the bottom of the page and table footnotes appear at the bottom of the table.

The following examples will show you how to make text and table footnotes. The format is:

<FOOTNOTE>(identifying character\footnote text)

The identifying character can be a number or something special like TM for trademark. We will just use numbers in our examples. The Using Global Tags and Producing Online and Printed Documentation manuals provide detailed information on footnotes.

Example: text footnote using <FOOTNOTE>

Here is an example of a text footnote.  The footnote will appear at the 
bottom of this page. <footnote>(1\Here is our text footnote.)  If we want 
a second footnote <footnote>(2\Second footnote.), we can have that also. 


Here is an example of a text footnote. The footnote will appear at the bottom of this page. ¹ If we want a second footnote ², we can have that also.

Example: table footnote using <FOOTNOTE>

When you put footnotes in tables, you use two tags. The <FOOTNOTE> tag gives the identifying character and text the same as for a text footnote. The <FOOTREF> tag identifies the footnote in the table. The format for the <FOOTREF> tag is:

<FOOTREF>(footnote number)


Table footnotes are placed under the <TABLE_SETUP> tag.

<footnote>(1\Some Chihuahuas don't have any hair.)
<footnote>(2\Some St. Bernards have a keg tied to their neck.)
<table_row>(tiny\1-15 lbs\Chihuahua)<footref>(1)<line>Toy Poodle 
<table_row>(small\15-30 lbs\Cocker Spaniel<line>Boston Terrier) 
<table_row>(medium\30-60 lbs\Irish Setter<line>Collie) 
<table_row>(large\60-100 lbs\German Shepherd<line>Retrievers) 
<table_row>(giant\over 100 lbs\Great Dane<line>St. Bernard)<footref>(2)


Size Weight Example
tiny 1-15 lbs Chihuahua¹
Toy Poodle
small 15-30 lbs Cocker Spaniel
Boston Terrier
medium 30-60 lbs Irish Setter
large 60-100 lbs German Shepherd
giant over 100 lbs Great Dane
St. Bernard²

¹Some Chihuahuas don't have any hair.
²Some St. Bernards have a keg tied to their neck.


¹ Here is our text footnote.

² Second footnote.

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