Dynamic Load Balancer Plustm

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Chapter 8
Using the DLB Plus STATUS Utility

DLB Plus STATUS checks critical SYSGEN parameter values and working sets. DLB Plus STATUS displays the dynamic SYSGEN parameters changed by DLB Plus software, and shows process memory adjustment information.

In addition, DLB Plus STATUS evaluates STATIC SYSGEN parameters. If they should be changed to improve system performance, DLB Plus STATUS suggests new parameter values.

8.1 Running DLB Plus STATUS

You can run DLB Plus STATUS at any time and as often as you wish. To run DLB Plus STATUS, select the STATUS menu item from the DLB Plus Master Menu. To EXIT, press [Return].

8.2 The STATUS Display

The display generated by DLB Plus STATUS consists of five major sections. A description of each section follows.

Example 8-1 DLB STATUS Display

                         ** DLB STATUS Utility Vx.x ** 
(1)DLB Version    : Vx.x 
(2)DLB Cyc Compl  :    962    Mem Adj Cutoff  : 1273    Adj Last Cyc  :    0 
Total Proc Adj   :      0    # Inactive Proc :    0    Eval Last Cyc :   27 
Total System Memory   : 57344 
Free List Size        : 20548 
(3)QUANTUM :   6    PFRATL      :    0    RSRVPAGCNT     :   512 
IOTA      :   1    PFRATH      :   10    MPW_THRESH     :  8602 
AWSTIME   :   6    WSINC       : 1009    PQL_MWSEXTENT  : 14300 
PIXSCAN   :   6    SWPOUTPGCNT : 1536    PQL_MPGFLQUOTA : 20300 
(4)SYSMWCNT             :  2764   *Value low*, CHANGE TO  3456 
MPW_HILIMIT            :  8601 
MPW_LOWAITLIMIT        :  4301 
Modified List Size     :  5615 
Modified list % full   :   65% 
(5)Pagefile 0, total  196600    99% free 

8.2.1 DLB Plus STATUS Information

  1. DLB Plus version and edit level.
  2. System memory information:
  3. SYSGEN parameters that DLB Plus changes.
  4. Critical system parameters. If DLB Plus finds incorrect settings for any parameter, DLB Plus displays a warning and suggests corrective action.
  5. PAGEFILE information. If any pagefiles are too small, DLB Plus displays a warning and suggests corrective action.

Chapter 9
Sampling, Consolidating, and Selecting

9.1 Sampling Your System

Before DLB Plus can analyze I/O and lock data, a sample of the system must first be taken. To sample your system, choose the SAMPLE menu item. The SAMPLE item collects I/O data by taking a snapshot of the images (programs) currently running on the node that you are logged onto.

The collected data contains I/O and lock information on the files used by the running images. In addition, OpenVMS does its own I/O to internally used files (such as the SWAP and PAGE files...and installed images). I/O and lock information is also collected on these internally used files.

Sampling a typical system takes five to fifteen minutes, depending on system load. On a very large system, sampling could take 30 to 40 minutes.

If there are two or more nodes on your cluster, samples can be taken for each node.

9.2 Multiple Samples

Normally, you CREATE a new sample and then analyze the created sample. However, sometimes you may wish to collect multiple samples of a single node and then analyze the multiple samples. This can be done by APPENDING a new sample to existing samples.

For example, at the end of the week you might want to analyze multiple samples that have been appended during the week. On Monday, you could CREATE a new sample. During the week, multiple samples can be APPENDED together. At any time during the week, an analysis of the multiple samples can be performed by just selecting the sampled node.

For best overall accuracy, it is suggested that you CREATE or APPEND samples during peak times. For most data processing centers, these times are 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

After the sample has been taken, the sampled system (node) is automatically SELECTED for analysis purposes.

9.3 Consolidating Sampled Node Data

In a VAX Cluster environment, it can be useful to SAMPLE various nodes and then CONSOLIDATE the sampled data. Data consolidation gives a cross-cluster profile of your system's I/O activity.

In order to consolidate data, each node to be included in the consolidation must first be SAMPLED. After all nodes have been sampled, choose the CONS menu item to create a consolidation.

After the consolidation has completed, it is automatically SELECTED for analysis purposes.

9.4 Selecting Nodes and Consolidations for Analysis

Before DLB Plus reports and graphs can be generated, you must first SELECT a node or consolidation. The selected node must have previously been SAMPLED or CONSOLIDATED.

To select a node, choose the SELECT menu item. You are asked for the name of a previously SAMPLED node. If you don't remember which nodes have been sampled, type SHOW at the "Node name or consolidation" prompt.

After a node or consolidation has been selected, its name is displayed at the bottom of each menu screen as a reminder.


SAMPLING a node or creating a CONSOLIDATION automatically SELECTS that node or consolidation.

9.5 AUTOSAMPLE Procedure

For your convenience, we have supplied with DLB Plus a procedure to automatically sample your system and generate reports (optional).

To activate the automatic sampling procedure, start up DLB Plus and choose the AUTO item from the main menu.

This procedure starts up a batch process which samples the system at specified intervals. Optionally, after the last sample has been taken, the batch process generates and prints DLB Plus summary reports. The reports print to SYS$PRINT or a selected device. If you have a VAX Cluster, execute the AUTO procedure from each node on the cluster.

Chapter 10
Generating Reports and Graphs

10.1 Choosing a Report or Graph

DLB Plus generates a wide variety of reports and graphs. In order to help you remember the names of the various reports and graphs menu items, the following naming convention has been used:

RSxxx for Report (summary)

RDxxx for Report (detail)

Gxxxx for Graph

To get a list (menu) of the summary reports, choose the SREPORTS item from the "Reports and Graphs" section on the DLB Plus Master Menu.

To get a list (menu) of the detail reports, choose the DREPORTS item from the "Reports and Graphs" section on the Master Menu.

To get a list (menu) of graphs, choose the GRAPHS item from the "Reports and Graphs" section.

For example, if SREPORTS is selected, the following list of summary reports is displayed:

              +-----------Summary Analysis Reports------------+ 
              |                                               | 
              |              PERFORMANCE REPORTS              | 
              |  RSHOT     Hot File Analysis (High I/Os)      | 
              |  RSCACHE   Suggested Files for Data Caching   | 
              |  RSFRAG    File Fragmentation Analysis        | 
              |  RSDEVICE  I/O Analysis Summary by Device     | 
              |                                               | 
              |               PLANNING REPORTS                | 
              |  RSIMAGE   I/O Analysis Summary by Image      | 
              |  RSUSER    I/O Analysis Summary by User       | 
              |  RSPID     I/O Analysis Summary by PID        | 

10.2 Report and Graph Procedure Questions

The various DLB Plus report and graph procedures ask a number of questions prior to the generation of the report or graph. Some or all of the following questions are asked by these procedures.

10.2.1 Maximum Number of Records

Enter the maximum number of records to include in the report. Enter ALL to include all records.

For example, if you want to see the data for the twenty most used files, enter 20. Enter ALL if you want to see the data for all of the files that were open during the sample.

10.2.2 Include OpenVMS Internal Files

The OpenVMS operating system keeps a number of files open and active. Some of these files include:

By default, DLB Plus does NOT include these OpenVMS internal files in its analysis. However, in some cases, including these files can be useful in understanding where all I/O is occurring on the system.

The file I/O counts of OpenVMS internal files reflect all I/Os to these files SINCE THE SYSTEM WAS LAST BOOTED.

Enter YES if you want to include OpenVMS internal files; otherwise enter NO.

10.2.3 Sort by I/O Count or I/O Rate

Each time a node is sampled by DLB Plus, both the I/O count (total I/Os per file) and the I/O rate (number of I/Os per second) are recorded.

Choosing COUNT organizes your report from highest I/O count to lowest I/O count. This gives a good overall summary of files with high I/O counts SINCE THE FILES WERE FIRST OPENED.

Choosing RATE organizes your report from highest I/O rate to lowest I/O rate. This gives a summary of files that had high I/O rates AT THE TIME THE SAMPLE WAS TAKEN.

By default, DLB Plus sorts by I/O rate. Enter either COUNT or RATE at the "sort order" prompt.

10.2.4 Proceed with the Report or Graph

Most reports can be generated in less than ten minutes.

   Enter  YES  to proceed with generating the report or graph. 
   Enter  NO   to return to the previous question. 

10.2.5 Report Generation Statistics

As a report is being created, the number of records processed and report information is displayed to the user. This information appears as follows:

                 |                DLB Plus                | 
                 |      Report Generation Statistics      | 
                 |                                        | 
                 |      Hot File Analysis (High I/O)      | 
                 |                                        | 
                 |      Records searched:        17       | 
                 |      Records selected:        17       | 
                 |      Records read    :        17       | 
                 |      Pages printed   :         2       | 
                 |      EST time to go  :                 | 

10.2.6 Report Printing Options

When report or graph generation is completed, you are asked to select where output should be directed. Choices are:

          +--------------------- Output Options ---------------------+ 
          |  Screen         |   System Printer   |   Laser Printer   | 
          |  Printer Port   |   Save to Disk     |   EXIT            | 

Chapter 11
BATCH Procedures

Most items on the DLB Plus menus can be set up in a batch stream and submitted as a batch process. The batch process can be run at any date and time that you choose. Or, you can choose to submit the batch manually later.

The batch procedure items on the Master Menu are:

11.1 Batch Set Up

The BATCH menu item allows you to switch DLB Plus into batch set-up mode. When DLB Plus is put into batch set-up mode, the subsequently chosen menu items and question answers are written to a batch command file instead of executed immediately.

Example 11-1 BATCH Set Up

 DLB Plus                 Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS                01-Sep-1995 
                              Set Up Batch Stream                               
Purpose of Batch: DLB Plus batch run for node TTI 
Print command   : PRINT/IDENTIFY 
Batch Command File Name? SYS$SCRATCH:DLBP_TTI.BAT_____________________________ 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

11.1.1 Batch Command File Name

Enter a complete file name for the batch command file or just press [RETURN] to accept the default.

11.1.2 Purpose of This Batch

Enter the purpose of this batch. Enter any text by which you wish to identify this batch, or just press [RETURN] to accept the default. You can enter up to 45 characters of text.


    Purpose of this Batch Stream? DLB Plus batch run for node TTI__ 

11.1.3 Print Command for Reports

Enter the DCL print command to be used in printing BATCHED reports. You can include any DCL PRINT qualifiers that you wish. Enter the word NONE to suppress the printing of reports (they are still generated...but not printed).


    Print command for reports?  PRINT/IDENTIFY    (this is the default) 
    Print command for reports?  PRINT/form=xyz    (print on form type XYZ) 
    Print command for reports?  none              (don't print reports) 

11.2 Final Batch Stream Setup and Menu Item Selections

Finally, you are asked whether to proceed with the batch set up. If EXIT is entered, the batch is NOT set up, the screen is cleared and the Master Menu is displayed.

If YES is entered, the message "Now in Batch Set Up Mode" is printed at the bottom of the screen. The screen clears and the Master Menu is displayed.

DLB Plus is now in batch set up mode.

Choose the items from the DLB Plus menus that are to be included in this batch. Any items selected from the menus while DLB Plus is in batch set up mode become part of the batch stream. As each item is selected, an information message such as "(item name) included in batch stream" is displayed.


If you intend to have your batch stream SAMPLE, do NOT also choose the SELECT menu item. The sampled node is automatically SELECTED by the SAMPLE procedure.

After all items to be included in this batch have been chosen, the batch stream can be submitted for processing.

11.3 Submitting a Batch

When all items to be BATCHED have been specified, choose the SUBMIT menu item to submit the batch stream for processing. When this item is selected, the following screen is displayed:

Example 11-2 Submitting a Batch

 DLB Plus                 Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS                01-Sep-1995 
                              Submit Batch Stream                               
Purpose of Batch: DLB Plus batch run for node TTI 
Print command   : PRINT/IDENTIFY 
Batch Run Date  : 
Batch Run Time  : 
Batch Queue     : 
Batch Run Date (MMDDYY)? 090295 
                ...or enter "LATER" to submit manually later on 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

11.3.1 Batch Run Date

DLB Plus asks for the run date of this batch in MMDDYY format. The current date is provided as a default. LATER can be entered to submit the batch at a later time.

If LATER is entered, the message "Command file prepared for manual submission later..." is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The screen is cleared and the Master Menu is redisplayed.

11.3.2 Batch Run Time

Enter the time at which you want this batch to run. Enter the time in HH:MM or HH:MM am/pm format. Ambiguous hour values are handled as follows:

    0, 6-11   (default to AM) 
    1-5, 12   (default to PM) 


    07:00     (assumes AM)           19:00      (assumes 07:00 PM) 
    07:00 AM                         02:45      (assumes 02:45 PM) 
    2:45  AM                         415        (assumes 04:15 PM) 

11.3.3 Batch Queue

Enter the name of the batch queue to be used when this batch runs. You can accept the default or another batch queue can be entered instead.

11.3.4 Proceed with the Submit

You are asked whether to proceed with the batch submission process. If EXIT is entered, the screen is cleared and the Master Menu is displayed.

If Yes is selected, the message "Command file submitted for batch processing..." is printed at the bottom of the screen. The screen clears and the Master Menu is displayed. DLB Plus is no longer in batch set up mode.

11.4 Cancel Batch Set Up

If DLB Plus is in batch set up mode and you wish to cancel the batch stream creation, the CANCEL menu item can be selected.

You are asked whether to proceed with the batch cancellation process. If No is selected, the batch is NOT cancelled, the screen is cleared and the Master Menu is displayed.

If Yes is selected, the message "Batch Set Up Mode has been canceled" is printed at the bottom of the screen. The screen is cleared and the Master Menu is displayed. DLB Plus is no longer in batch set up mode.

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