Dynamic Load Balancer Plustm

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Chapter 17
Fragmentation Prevention Overview

17.1 Description

The fragmentation prevention feature prevents disk and file fragmentation. Preventing disk and file fragmentation speeds up file access by reducing window turns and split I/O transfers. The fragmentation prevention feature works exceptionally well on files such as:

17.2 Theory of Operation

The OpenVMS file system was designed many years ago. Since that time, CPU speeds have increased by over 10,000%! However, during that same time, I/O speeds have only increased a modest 200%. This has caused most systems that were initially CPU bound to now become I/O bound.

Whenever OpenVMS deletes a file, the various fragments of that file are placed into the ACP extent cache. The purpose of the extent cache is to speed up file allocations. Later, when a file is extended (or initially allocated), OpenVMS first scans the extent cache to fulfill the extension request. Since the extent cache contains random pieces of previously deleted files---the newly extended file becomes very fragmented!

In the event that the ACP extent cache doesn't contain enough disk fragments to fulfill the extension request, the ACP bitmap cache is scanned. This cache also contains random pieces of disk space.

If the ACP bitmap cache also does not contain enough disk space to fulfill the extension request, the entire BITMAP.SYS is scanned. This scan starts wherever the previous scan left off. The effect of the BITMAP.SYS file scan is again---a very fragmented file.

Fragmentation prevention intercepts file open, creation and extension requests. The parameters given in each request are examined. If OpenVMS system default values are given, and fragmentation prevention determines that the default values would cause the file to be fragmented, fragmentation prevention modifies the values. The values are modified by requesting contiguous best try file allocation, and by requesting an optimized file extension size. On a typical OpenVMS system, fragmentation prevention will intercept and optimize thousands of file create and extend requests per day!


To measure the effects of the fragmentation prevention feature, see Chapter 19, Benchmarking the Fragmentation Prevention Feature.

17.3 Components

Fragmentation prevention consists of two major components, the CLNdriver and the CDCONTROL procedure. The CLNdriver intercepts file system (XQP) requests and modifies the requests in order to prevent fragmentation. The CDCONTROL procedure enables or disables fragmentation prevention on a per-process basis. The CDSERVER process watches for newly-created processes and enables fragmentation prevention for them.

17.4 Intercepting File System Requests

The fragmentation prevention start up procedure installs the CLNdriver and also starts up the fragmentation prevention process. The CLNdriver intercepts file system requests, modifies the requests to prevent fragmentation, and passes the requests on to the OpenVMS XQP handler.

Each time fragmentation prevention intercepts an XQP request, the request is examined. If needed, the request is modified to:

17.5 Controlling Fragmentation Prevention Activity

By default, the fragmentation prevention feature is enabled for all processes. In some cases you may wish to enable or disable the fragmentation prevention feature on a per-process basis.

The TTI_DLB:CDCONTROL procedure enables or disables fragmentation prevention on a per-process basis.

For example, to disable fragmentation prevention for your process, the following command would be used:


Chapter 18
Controlling Fragmentation Prevention Activity


The CDCONTROL procedure uses the CDCONTROL image. In order to execute this image, you must have the following privileges: NETMBX, TMPMBX

18.1 Command Overview

Fragmentation prevention can be ENABLED or DISABLED on a per-process basis. In addition, there is a SHOW command.


A successful ENABLE or DISABLE will display a message on the terminal indicating the success of the requested operation.

18.2 The SHOW Command

If you need to see if fragmentation prevention has been enabled for the current process, use the SHOW command:

Example 18-1 Using the SHOW Command

Dynamic Load Balancer Plus (Version 4.1) - CDcontrol 
Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Touch Technologies, Inc. 
CD is ENABLED for your process. 
  ...Modified file allocation requests:        13 

18.2.1 Showing Fragmentation Prevention Usage System-wide

To display the effects of fragmentation prevention system-wide, use the SHOW/ALL option.

Example 18-2 Using the SHOW/ALL Command

Dynamic Load Balancer Plus (Version 4.1) - CDcontrol 
Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Touch Technologies, Inc. 
  Pid    Process Name    User Name       CD status       Requests 
26400081 SWAPPER                         not enabled 
26400086 CONFIGURE       SYSTEM          enabled                0 
26400087 IPCACP          SYSTEM          enabled                0 
26400089 ERRFMT          SYSTEM          enabled              102 
2640008A CACHE_SERVER    SYSTEM          enabled                0 
2640008B CLUSTER_SERVER  SYSTEM          enabled                0 
26400098 --RTclient--    SYSTEM          enabled                0 
2640009B XXX_09B_2       SMITH           enabled              213 
  Modified file requests since CD was started: 486  (92%) 

The last line of the display shows the total number of file create and extend requests that fragmentation prevention has optimized since it was started on this node. In order to measure the impact of fragmentation prevention on your system, you can check the percentage of all requests that fragmentation prevention modified.

In the above example, 92% of the file create and extend requests were found to be nonoptimal! Fragmentation prevention modified these nonoptimal requests, for a total of 486 modifications.

Without fragmentation prevention, these requests would have resulted in fragmented files, higher I/O overhead and poorer response times.

Chapter 19
Benchmarking the Fragmentation Prevention Feature


The fragmentation prevention Benchmark procedure requires 3000 blocks of disk space on the disk pointed to by SYS$SCRATCH. When the benchmark has completed, the disk space can be reclaimed.

Included with fragmentation prevention, is a Benchmark procedure. By using the supplied procedure, you can measure the effectiveness of fragmentation prevention on your system. Also, the CDCONTROL SHOW/ALL command can be used to show the effects of fragmentation prevention system-wide (see Section 18.2.1, Showing Fragmentation Prevention Usage System-wide).

19.1 The Benchmark Procedure

The supplied Benchmark procedure performs the following tasks:

Benchmark Symbols

Benchmark symbols are used to perform specific steps in the benchmarking procedure.

Table 19-1 Benchmark Symbols
Symbol Description Argument
CRFILE Creates an empty temporary file none
EXFILE Extends the temporary file by a number of blocks Number of blocks to extend by
FRAGS Displays file fragments filename---defaults to the last temporary file created or extended

19.2 Using the Benchmark Procedure

When you use the Benchmark procedure, you will:

19.2.1 Setting Up to Perform a Benchmark

You can start the benchmark process by running the set up routine. The Benchmark set up routine is executed by entering the following command:


19.2.2 Creating and Extending without Fragmentation Prevention Enabled

After executing the Benchmark set up routine, you can create a file and extend it several times. Then, you can see how many fragments the file contains by running the FRAGS report. Each retrieval pointer in the FRAGS report represents one fragment.

These are the symbols you will enter to create and extend a file several times and run the FRAGS report:

The following example shows the results of a benchmark run.

Example 19-1 Creating and Extending without fragmentation prevention Enabled

$ @tti_dlb:cd_benchset 
** CD Benchmark environment being set up... 
Benchmark cleanup done 
Fragmenting SYS$SCRATCH: by creating/deleting files 
  creating the temporary files... 
  deleting half of the temporary files... 
$ crfile == "@tti_dlb:cd_do crfile " 
$ exfile == "@tti_dlb:cd_do exfile " 
$ frags  == "@tti_dlb:cd_do frags " 
** CD benchmark environment set up completed. 
$ crfile 
sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp created 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp extended 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp extended 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp extended 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp extended 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd999.tmp extended 
$ frags 
    File name:                            TTI_CD999.TMP;1 
    Retrieval pointers 
        Count:          3        LBN:        411 
        Count:          6        LBN:      18294 
        Count:          3        LBN:      48459 
        Count:          3        LBN:      83100 
        Count:          3        LBN:      89787 
        Count:          3        LBN:     938211 
        Count:          6        LBN:     945297 
        Count:          6        LBN:     972132 
        Count:         90        LBN:    1027965 
        Count:         51        LBN:    1028226 

19.2.3 Creating and Extending with Fragmentation Prevention Enabled

You can now enable fragmentation prevention using the command:


Then, create another file, extend it several times and run the FRAGS report to see how many fragments the file contains. You can use the following symbols:

The following example shows the results of a benchmark run with fragmentation prevention enabled.

Example 19-2 Creating and Extending with fragmentation prevention Enabled

$ @tti_dlb:cdcontrol enable 
Dynamic Load Balancer Plus (Version 4.1) - CDcontrol 
Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Touch Technologies, Inc. 
CleanDisk ENABLED 
$ crfile 
sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp created 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp extended 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp extended 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp extended 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp extended 
$ exfile 100 
Extending sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp by 100 blocks 
sys$scratch:tti_cd998.tmp extended 
$ frags 
    File name:                            TTI_CD998.TMP;1 
    Retrieval pointers 
        Count:         90        LBN:    1033836 
        Count:        102        LBN:    1033929 
        Count:        309        LBN:    1034061 

You will notice that with fragmentation prevention enabled, the created and extended file contains far fewer fragments than the file created without using fragmentation prevention. Fewer fragments means fewer I/Os and fewer window-turns. In most cases, fragmentation prevention prevents 90 percent or more of file fragmentation. The reduced fragmentation, in turn, reduces file I/Os.


If you do not see the results shown in this benchmark example, please contact our Technical Support staff for assistance. (The phone number is located in the preface of this manual.)

19.3 Benchmark Cleanup

When you have finished benchmarking fragmentation prevention, the temporary files created by the benchmark can be deleted by entering the command:


Appendix A
DLB Plus Menus and Menu Selections

This section describes the DLB Plus menus and the various items on each of the menus.

A.1 The DLB Plus Menus

A.1.1 Master Menu

The Master Menu contains the items that sample I/O data, select nodes to analyze, bring up the reports and graphs menus and set up batch processes. The Master Menu appears as follows:

Example A-1 DLB Plus Master Menu

 DLB Plus                 Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS                01-Sep-1995
 +-------------------------------Master Menu-------------------------------+ 
 |                                                                         | 
 |        Dynamic Load Balancing                 Reports and Graphs        | 
 |  DISPLAY   DLB Display Utility          SREPORTS  Summary Reports...    | 
 |  STATUS    DLB Status Utility           DREPORTS  Detail Reports...     | 
 |                                         GRAPHS    Analysis Graphs...    | 
 |             I/O Sampling                SCAN      Batch I/O Scan        | 
 |  SAMPLE    Sample I/Os and Locks                                        | 
 |  CONS      Consolidate Sample Data             Batch Procedures         | 
 |  SELECT    Select a Data Sample         BATCH     Set Up Batch Stream   | 
 |  LIVE      Live Lock Analysis...        SUBMIT    Submit Batch Stream   | 
 |  AUTO      Automatic Sampling           CANCEL    Cancel Batch Set Up   | 
 |                                                                         | 
 |                                                 Miscellaneous           | 
 |                                         SYSTEM    VMS System Commands   | 
 |                                         EXIT      EXIT DLB Plus         | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

A.1.2 Summary Analysis Reports Menu

The Master Menu SREPORTS item displays the Summary Analysis Reports menu.

The summary reports on the Summary Analysis Reports menu are created from the I/O and lock information collected when the selected node was last sampled.

The Summary Analysis Reports menu appears as follows:

Example A-2 Summary Analysis Reports Menu

 DLB Plus                 Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS                01-Sep-1995 
              +-----------Summary Analysis Reports------------+ 
              |                                               | 
              |              PERFORMANCE REPORTS              | 
              |  RSHOT     Hot File Analysis (High I/Os)      | 
              |  RSCACHE   Suggested Files for Data Caching   | 
              |  RSFRAG    File Fragmentation Analysis        | 
              |  RSDEVICE  I/O Analysis Summary by Device     | 
              |                                               | 
              |               PLANNING REPORTS                | 
              |  RSIMAGE   I/O Analysis Summary by Image      | 
              |  RSUSER    I/O Analysis Summary by User       | 
              |  RSPID     I/O Analysis Summary by PID        | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

A.1.3 Detail Analysis Reports Menu

The Master Menu DREPORTS item displays the Detail Analysis Reports menu.

The reports on the Detail Analysis Reports menu are created from the I/O and lock information collected when the selected node was last sampled.

The Detail Analysis Reports menu appears as follows:

Example A-3 Detail Analysis Reports Menu

 DLB Plus                 Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS                01-Sep-1995 
               +----------Detail Analysis Reports-----------+ 
               |                                            | 
               |               DETAIL REPORTS               | 
               |  RDIMAGE   I/O Analysis Detail by Image    | 
               |  RDUSER    I/O Analysis Detail by User     | 
               |  RDDEVICE  I/O Analysis Detail by Device   | 
               |  RDPID     I/O Analysis Detail by PID      | 
               |  RDFILE    I/O Analysis Detail by File     | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

A.1.4 Analysis Graphs Menu

The Master Menu GRAPHS item displays the Analysis Graphs menu.

The graphs on the Analysis Graphs menu are created from the I/O information collected when the selected node was last sampled.

The Analysis Graphs menu appears as follows:

Example A-4 Analysis Graphs Menu

 DLB Plus                 Dynamic Load Balancer PLUS                01-Sep-1995 
             +-----------------Analysis Graphs-----------------+ 
             |                                                 | 
             |              GRAPHS OF I/O COUNTS               | 
             |  GUSER     I/O Analysis Summary by User         | 
             |  GIMAGE    I/O Analysis Summary by Image        | 
             |                                                 | 
             |               GRAPHS OF I/O RATES               | 
             |  GRUSER    I/O Rate Analysis Summary by User    | 
             |  GRIMAGE   I/O Rate Analysis Summary by Image   | 
EXIT = Exit                                                \ = Back  HELP = Help

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