Network Security Agent

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6.6 Reports

The following information deals with the generation and printing of reports.

6.6.1 Report Generation Statistics

As a report is being generated, the number of records processed and generation information is displayed. This information appears as follows:

Example 6-1 Report Generation Statistics

                        |         INTOUCH INSA         | 
                        | Report Generation Statistics | 
                        |         INTOUCH INSA         | 
                        |        Incident Report       | 
                        |                              | 
                        |                              | 
                        | Records searched:     1,329  | 
                        | Records selected:       169  | 
                        | Records read    :       169  | 
                        | Pages printed   :         1  | 
                        | EST time to go  :            | 
                        |                              | 

6.6.2 Report Output Options

After a report is generated, you are asked to select where the output should be directed. The common output options are:

Example 6-2 Report Output Options

           +-------------------- Output Options ----------------------+ 
           |  Screen         |   Save to Disk     |   EXIT            | 
           |  Email          |   Chart*           |                   | 

Table 6-1 Output Options
Option Result
Screen print to this screen
Save to Disk create the file on disk; you are asked for a file name; a default is provided
Email E-mail the report; you are asked for an internet address
Chart* display a chart/graph
EXIT exit the Output Options menu

* Chart is shown as an output option for some of the reports. When this option is selected, a chart or graph of the report data is displayed in a separate window. You can also display the report data in other chart forms such as a line chart/graph --- see Appendix D, Chart Options, for more information.

Click on the Output Options window to erase the chart window.

6.6.3 Report Display

When you are displaying a report, a menu at the bottom of the screen provides several options for you to use. The options are:

|  Previous    Next    Exit                                                   | 

Previous go back to the previous report page
Next display the next screen of information
Exit stop the display and return to the Output Options menu

6.7 Desktop Management

The desktop is everything you see on the screen --- the windows, icons, etc. There might be occasions when you want to move a window or perform some other desktop/screen management operation. This section explains how to perform some of the screen management procedures such as how to open and close a DECterm window, create an icon, move a window, use the session manager.

INTOUCH INSA manages the desktop for you automatically. Under normal circumstances, the only manual desktop operations you might perform are:

6.7.1 Moving a Window

You can move a window from one area of the screen to another area.

                    Title bar 
      | +-----+---------|---------------------------------------+-----+-----+ | 
      | | --- |         v           DECterm                     |  O  | |X| | | 
      | +-----+-------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ | 
      | |  File   Edit   Commands   Options   Print                    Help | | 
      | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 

To move a window:

  1. Position the pointer anywhere in the window's title bar except on a button.
  2. Press and hold mouse button 1 (MB1) --- an outline of the window is displayed.
  3. Drag the window outline to the desired location.
  4. Release MB1.

If the moved window was behind other windows, it moves to the front of the stack and is available.

6.7.2 Window Management Options

After a window is opened, you can perform various window management options. This section explains the most commonly used options.

Minimize/Iconize a Window

You can minimize/shrink the window by using the Minimize button.

                                                       Minimize button 
      | +-----+-------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ | 
      | | --- |                     DECterm                     |  O  | |X| | | 
      | +-----+-------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ | 
      | |  File   Edit   Commands   Options   Print                    Help | | 
      | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 

Clicking on the Minimize button shrinks the window to an icon. The window disappears and is replaced by an icon in the lower, right side of the screen. If a process is running when the window is iconized, the process continues running.

        |                                                           | 
        |              +---------------------------+                | 
        |              |                           |                | 
        |              |                           |                | 
        |              |          Window           |                | 
        |              |                           |                | 
        |              |                           |                | 
        |              +---------------------------+                | 
        |                                \                          | 
        |                                 \                         | 
        |                                  \                        | 
        |                                   \                       | 
        |                                    \                      | 
        |                                     \                     | 
        |                                      \           +------+ | 
        |                                       -------->  | Icon | | 
        |                                                  +------+ | 

Restoring a Window from an Icon

After a window has been minimized/shrunk to an icon, the icon can easily be restored to a window. Simply, double click on the icon to restore the window. The window opens and is available and the icon disappears.

        |                                                           | 
        |              +---------------------------+                | 
        |              |                           |                | 
        |              |                           |                | 
        |              |          Window           |                | 
        |              |                           |                | 
        |              |                           |                | 
        |              +---------------------------+                | 
        |                                /\                         | 
        |                                 \                         | 
        |                                  \                        | 
        |                                   \                       | 
        |                                    \                      | 
        |                                     \                     | 
        |                                      \           +------+ | 
        |                                       ---------  | Icon | | 
        |                                                  +------+ | 

Maximize Button

Should you inadvertently click on the Maximize button and cause your window to be enlarged, simply click on the Maximize button again to restore the enlarged window to its original size.

                                                                Maximize button 
      | +-----+-------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ | 
      | | --- |                     DECterm                     |  O  | |X| | | 
      | +-----+-------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ | 
      | |  File   Edit   Commands   Options   Print                    Help | | 
      | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 

6.7.3 Opening and Closing a DECterm Window

To open a DECterm window, select Applications from the Session Manager bar menu. If the Session Manager bar menu is not displayed, double click on the icon at the bottom of the screen which is identified as "INSAnnn", this will cause the Session Manager menu to be displayed.

    | --- |                 Session Manager                 |  O  | |X| | 
    |  Session   Applications   Options                            Help | 

When Applications is selected, a submenu of application procedures is displayed.

                        |   Applications   | 
                        | ----------       | 
                        | ----------       | 
                        | ----------       | 
                        | DECterm          | 
                        | ----------       | 
                        | ----------       | 
                        | ----------       | 

Click on the DECterm menu item. This will cause a DECterm window to appear on the screen.

      | +-----+-------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ | 
      | | --- |                     DECterm                     |  O  | |X| | | 
      | +-----+-------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+ | 
      | |  File   Edit   Commands   Options   Print                    Help | | 
      | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | |                                                                   | | 
      | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 

To close the DECterm window, type LOG and press the [Return] key. The DECterm window disappears from the screen.

6.7.4 Online Tutorial

You can get more information on screen management procedures by running the online tutorial. To get to the tutorial, open the Session Manager window and click on Help. A submenu is displayed. Click on the Tutorial menu item.

    | --- |                 Session Manager                 |  O  | |X| | 
    |  Session   Applications   Options                            Help | 
                                                           | ---------- | 
                                                           | ---------- | 
                                                           | Tutorial   | 
                                                           | ---------- | 
                                                           | ---------- | 

Chapter 7
Status Menu Procedures

Example 7-1 Status Procedures

+-----------------INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent V1.5-------------------+ 
|  Security    Status    Reports    Maintenance    General    Advanced    Exit | 
             |  Network        | 
             |  INTOUCH INSA   | 
             |  Security       | 

The Status menu options are:

7.1 Network Status Option

                        |  Network        | 
                        |  INTOUCH INSA   | 
                        |  Security       | 

Selecting the Network menu option creates a report of Ethernet statistics and TCP/IP statistics.

After the report is generated, you are asked for an output option (see Section 6.6.2, Report Output Options). After the report has been output, you are returned to the Status menu.

The following is an example of a network statistics report:

-- Analyzing xxxxxx:nsa_statsnn.dat 
------- Ethernet Statistics ------- 
Proto                 K Bytes Packets Description 
-----                -------- ------- ---------------------------------------- 
08-00                   126.0     334 Internet Protocol (IP) 
90-00                     0.6       6 Loopback 
60-02                     0.1       1 DEC MOP Remote Console 
60-03                     4.2      93 DECNET Phase IV, DNA Routing 
60-04                     2.0      39 DEC Local Area Transport (LAT) 
60-07                   285.1     968 DEC Local Area VAX Cluster (LAVC) 
80-40                     0.4       2 DEC PATHWORKS DECnet NETBIOS Emulation 
42-42                     2.3      66 PCS Basic Block Protocol 
AA-AA                     0.9       6  802.3 with 802.2 SNAP 
F0-F0                     0.4       5 
F0-F1                     0.0       3 
-------   TCP  Statistics   ------- 
Port#                 K Bytes Packets Description 
-----                -------- ------- ---------------------------------------- 
   23                   124.2     306 Telnet 
-------  End of Statistics  ------- 

7.2 INTOUCH INSA Status Option

                        |  Network        | 
                        |  INTOUCH INSA   | 
                        |  Security       | 

Selecting the INTOUCH INSA menu option causes INSA Manager to display information on the status of INTOUCH INSA. The display shows information about the following:

The status information, such as handler packet counts, is automatically updated as the data (i.e. packet counts) changes.

When the INTOUCH INSA menu option is selected, a new window is opened and the status data is displayed in this window. At this point, you are in the INTOUCH INSA Status window --- i.e. this is the active window. If you want the status window to remain open, you can click on the INSA Manager window and perform other procedures. The status window can also be iconized and later restored (see Section 6.7.2, Window Management Options).

To close the INTOUCH INSA status window, press any key and you will be returned to the Status menu.

The following is an example of the INTOUCH INSA Status display:

 INTOUCH INSA 1.5             INTOUCH INSA Status                   28-Feb-1997 
  Raw Packet Handling                            Session Summary   
 Total packets processed:      19,432,736       Active sessions    :     32 
 Current packet count   :             834       Watched sessions   :      0 
 Packets per second     :             129       Recordings in prog.:      0 
 Handler restart count  :      0                Total incidents    :     12 
  Surveillance Activity                          INSA Configuration
 Last cycle start       : 28-Feb-1997 13:36:28  TCP/IP started     : Yes 
 Last cycle end         : in progress           HTTP proxy port    : none 
 Last cycle elapsed time:                       FTP proxy port     : none 
 Last cycle wait time   :     56 seconds        SMTP port          : 25 
 Last cycle packet count:    637                Dump port          : none 
 Incidents last cycle   :      0 
 New sessions last cycle:      0                 System Overview   
 Cycles completed       :  1,487                Free disk space    : 818 MB 
 Cycles with 0 wait time:      0% 
 Alert rules            :     14                 Packet Summary                
                                                Type      Current         Total 
  IP Address Resolver                           TELNET:         5         97503 
 Last resolver cycle    : 28-Feb-1997 00:49:28  LAT   :       615       1057356 
 Resolved last cycle    :    476                HTTP  :         5         13142 
 Unresolved last cycle  :    119                FTP   :         0           109 
 Resolved since startup :    633                SMTP  :         0          2506 
                                                Other :         0             0 
                             Press any key to exit 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

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