Remote Device Facilitytm

Remote Device Facilitytm

Fast and easy access to remote devices
across OpenVMS® networks and clusters

Remote Device Facility was developed and is supported by Touch Technologies, Inc.

Touch Technologies, Inc.
9988 Hibert Street, Suite 310
San Diego, California 92131
(800) 525-2527
FAX (858) 566-3663


tm Remote Device Facility is a trademark of Touch Technologies, Inc.

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Revised: March 2000 for V4.3

Copyright ©1994, 2000 Touch Technologies, Inc.

Contents Index


The Remote Device Facility (RDF) is client/server based software that allows OpenVMS systems to access remote disk and tape devices. The devices can be accessed from anywhere on an OpenVMS cluster or on a DECNET based network. RDF allows remote devices to be accessed as if they were local devices. The access is completely transparent and works with all OpenVMS utilities and applications.

RDF runs on:

RDF is written in a combination of MACRO-32, C, and BLISS-32. This makes RDF fast and efficient, and able to access and serve remote devices quickly and efficiently. In addition, the Remote Device Facility optimizes its DECNET packet handling...minimizing RDF's impact on the network.


The purpose of this manual is to provide:


This manual is intended for use by the system manager or other technical personnel.


(800) 525-2527 toll free within the U.S. and Canada.

(858) 566-3603 elsewhere

Chapter 1
Product Overview

1.1 The Remote Device Facility

The Remote Device Facility is a software product that allows you to access a device that is physically connected to another computer in your OpenVMS Cluster or DECNET based network. This ability to access a remote device allows a node that does not have a device to perform device operations as though it had a local device.

The Remote Device Facility is a client/server based software product. The SERVER is the node providing the service. The service is a device physically connected to the server. The CLIENT is the node wishing to access the served (remote) device.

Remote Device Facility Flow Diagram

                        CLIENT                          SERVER 
                     +-----------+                  +-------------+ 
                     | VAX 3100  |                  |  VAX 9000   | 
                   / | *no tape* |                  |   with a    | 
                  /  +-----------+                  | tape device | 
     +----------------+    \                        +-------------+ 
     | OpenVMS Backup |     \                                / 
     +----------------+      \                              / 
                              \                            / 
                     +--------------+  DECNET Link  +--------------+ 
                     ! --rdclient-- |- - - - - - - -| --rdserver-- | 
                     +--------------+               +--------------+ 

1.1.1 Prerequisites

Any OpenVMS site can benefit from using the Remote Device Facility as long as the following conditions are true:

Any combination of RDF client and RDF server nodes is supported. In addition, all server nodes are also licensed as clients. So, a node can be BOTH an RDF server and an RDF client.

1.2 Components

The Remote Device Facility consists of two major components, the RDSERVER and the RDCLIENT. The RDSERVER is started up on the server node. The RDCLIENT is started up on the client node. In addition, the RDCLIENT has two primary procedures. One procedure allocates a remote device (RDALLOCATE) and another procedure deallocates a remote device (RDDEALLOCATE).

1.3 The Server Node - RDSERVER

When a server node is started up, the RDSERVER_STARTUP.COM file is executed. This procedure starts up the RDSERVER process. The RDSERVER handles I/O requests initiated by remote nodes (clients). Up to 32 clients can be handled at once by the single RDSERVER process.

Each time a client attempts to allocate (RDALLOCATE) a remote device, the server reads its CONFIGURATION file. This text file has the name tti_rdev:CONFIG_nodename.DAT, where "nodename" is the name of the server node. The server configuration file contains the name of each servable device, and (optionally) characteristics of the device. (See Chapter 2, Installing RDF on OpenVMS, and Appendix B, Configuration File Example, for additional information.)

1.4 The Client Node - RDCLIENT

When a client node is started up, the RDCLIENT_STARTUP.COM file is executed. This procedure starts up the RDCLIENT process and an RDCLIENT pseudo device driver. An RDCLIENT can allocate (RDALLOCATE) and deallocate (RDDEALLOCATE) remote devices.

Up to sixteen (16) remote devices can be allocated at one time by a given client node. To access a remote device, the device must first be allocated (RDALLOCATE). When the remote device is no longer needed, it should be deallocated (RDDEALLOCATE).


All remote devices allocated by a user are automatically deallocated when the user logs off of the client node.

If you need to access more than sixteen remote devices from a single client node, contact technical support for details.

For example, to use device $1$MSA0: on node ZEUS, the following sequence of commands would be used:

  $ @tti_rdev:RDALLOCATE  ZEUS::$1$MSA0: 
  RDEV - VMS Remote Device Facility (Version V4.n) - RDallocate Procedure 
  Copyright (c) 1990-2000 by Touch Technologies, Inc. 
  Device ZEUS::$1$MSA0: ALLOCATED, use TAPE01 to reference it 
       . various procedures that reference TAPE01 as a tape device 
  $ @tti_rdev:RDDEALLOCATE  TAPE01: 

TAPE01 is the default name used by RDALLOCATE if the user does not specify an alternate name in the command line.


The device name given in the RDALLOCATE command must EXACTLY match one of the device names or device characteristics in the server's configuration file. If no match is found, the RDALLOCATE fails with an error message.

When the RDALLOCATE procedure is executed, a message is sent to the RDSERVER on node ZEUS. The RDSERVER on node ZEUS scans its configuration file for an EXACT MATCH on device $1$MSA0:. When the device name or characteristic is found, a channel is assigned to the tape device. All further I/O operations to TAPE01 are routed through the RDSERVER. When the RDDEALLOCATE procedure is executed, the RDSERVER on node ZEUS closes its channel to tape device $1$MSA0:.

Chapter 2
Installing RDF on OpenVMS


Before installing RDF, make sure that you have read this manual COMPLETELY.

RDF can be installed on:

The following items are included with this installation package:

2.1 License Registration

You should register and load the License PAK before you start the RDF installation.

To register a license under OpenVMS, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration:

  1. Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK.
  2. At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information.

If you plan to use RDF on more than one node in a cluster, you will need to perform a license load on the other nodes after you complete this installation.

2.2 Server Node Installation Instructions


The RDSERVER_STARTUP procedure uses the RDSERVER image. In order to execute this image you must have the following privileges: CMKRNL, OPER, PHY_IO, SYSLCK

To install RDF on your system, you need to work from a DEC VT100 or compatible terminal. Follow the steps listed below and type the commands shown. OpenVMS is space conscious, so be sure to type the commands EXACTLY as shown.

  1. Log onto the SYSTEM account (on a server node):

    Username:   SYSTEM 
    Password:  (enter your system password) 

  2. Create the RDF directory:



    RDF can be loaded into any directory on any disk ...e.g., $1$WORK:[RDF]

    When installing RDF on an Alpha system, it is recommended that RDF be installed on the SYSTEM disk. RDF has a device driver, and OpenVMS Alpha will not allow a disk that contains a loaded device driver to be dismounted. Since the SYSTEM disk does not ever need to be dismounted, it is recommended that RDF be installed on this disk.

  3. Enter the RDF directory:


  4. Verify that you are in the new directory. You should see the message No files found. E.g.,

      No files found.                    

  5. Load instructions for CD-ROM:
    1. Put the RDF distribution CD on your computer's device.
    2. Make the device available.

      $ ALLOCATE MKA0: 
        Volume is write locked 
        RDF mounted on _MKA0: 


      MKA0 may have to be replaced with the appropriate CD identifier for your system.

    3. Transfer RDF to disk using OpenVMS BACKUP.

      $ DISMOUNT MKA0: 

      The transfer takes about 2 minutes. As RDF is transferred to disk, you will see a list of the files being transferred.

  6. Load instructions for tape:
    1. Put the RDF distribution tape on your computer's device.
    2. Make the device available.

      $ ALLOCATE MSA0: 
        Volume is write locked 
        RDF mounted on _MSA0: 


      MSA0 may have to be replaced with the appropriate magtape identifier for your system.

    3. Transfer RDF to disk using OpenVMS BACKUP.

      $ BACKUP/LOG MSA0:*.* *.*/NEW_VERSION 
      $ DISMOUNT MSA0: 

      The transfer takes about 2 minutes. As RDF is transferred to disk, you will see a list of the files being transferred.

  7. Activate the RDSERVER interactively by executing the following command:


    The initial activation of the RDSERVER_STARTUP procedure automatically builds a minimal server configuration file. The configuration file can be OPTIONALLY enhanced at any time. (See Appendix B, Configuration File Example.)
    Add the above command to your system startup command procedure.

  8. OPTIONAL - Enhance server configuration file.
    When the RDSERVER_STARTUP.COM procedure is first executed, a minimal server configuration file is automatically built. The configuration file can be modified or enhanced at any time.
    This text file is named tti_rdev:CONFIG_nodename.DAT where nodename is the name of the server node. The server configuration file contains the name of each servable device. By default, the server configuration file is built with all servable disk devices commented out.
    In addition to the device name, optional device characteristics can be specified. For example, to enhance the configuration file for the server on node ZEUS:

    $ edit CONFIG_ZEUS.DAT 
    DEVICE $1$mua0: MUA0, TK50 
    DEVICE msa0     TU80, 1600bpi 

    Tape devices $1$MUA0: and MSA0: are to be available to client nodes. A client node can reference device $1$MUA0: by the name $1$MUA0:, MUA0:, or by requesting TK50. Tape device MSA0: can be referenced by MSA0: or by either TU80 or 1600bpi.


    MUA0, TK50, TU80, and 1600bpi are examples of optionally supplied device characteristics. Device characteristics can be any descriptive text. If supplied, multiple device characteristics must be separated by a comma.

The RDSERVER has now been installed on your system.

If you have more than one SERVER node, repeat this installation procedure on each node.

2.3 OpenVMS Client Node Installation Instructions


The RDCLIENT_STARTUP procedure uses the RDCLIENT image. In order to execute this image you must have the following privileges: CMKRNL, OPER, PHY_IO, PRMMBX, NETMBX, SYSNAM, SHARE, SYSLCK

To install RDF on each OpenVMS CLIENT node, follow the steps listed below and type the commands shown. OpenVMS is space conscious, so be sure to type the commands exactly as shown.

  1. From the SERVER node, log onto the OpenVMS CLIENT'S SYSTEM account:

    $ SET HOST client_node 
    Username:   SYSTEM 
    Password:  (enter client's system password) 

  2. Create the RDF directory:


  3. Enter the RDF directory:


  4. Verify that you are in the new directory. You should see the message No files found. E.g.,

      No files found.                    

  5. Transfer RDF from a SERVER node to this node.

    $ COPY ZEUS::SYS$SYSDEVICE:[tti_rdev]*.* *.*/LOG 

    Where ZEUS is the name of an RDF SERVER node. If you do not have a proxy account set up on the server node, you may get the following error message from the COPY command:

      Login information invalid at remote node 

    If you get the login information invalid... error message, you need to replace ZEUS:: with a username and password access control string. For example:

    $ copy zeus"SYSTEM SYSPASSWORD"::... 

    The file copy takes about 1 minute. As RDF is transferred from the SERVER node to the OpenVMS CLIENT node, you will see a list of the files being transferred.

  6. Activate the RDCLIENT interactively by executing the following command:


  7. Add the above command to the client's system startup command procedure.

The RDCLIENT has now been installed on your system.

If you have more than one OpenVMS CLIENT node, repeat this installation procedure on each node.

2.4 Ultrix Client Node Installation Instructions

To install RDF on each Ultrix CLIENT node, follow the steps listed below and type the commands shown. The Ultrix system is space conscious and case sensitive, so be sure to type the commands exactly as shown.


Ultrix Clients can only access TAPE devices. This is why the Ultrix commands use "rt" (remote tape) instead of "rd" (remote device.)

  1. Log onto the Ultrix system as the root user.
  2. Create a tti_kit directory. Change directory to /tti_kit.

    # cd / 
    # mkdir /tti_kit 
    # cd /tti_kit 

  3. Using the dcp -i command, copy the decrtf.tar file from the OpenVMS system to the Ultrix system. Then, untar the file.


    Use the vaxrtf.tar file if you are on a VAXstation. In the example below, the OpenVMS server node is called "ZEUS".

    # dcp -i zeus::tti_rdev:decrtf.tar  .  !** notice the "." **  
    # ls 
    # tar xf decrtf.tar 

  4. Change directory to /tti_kit/tti_rtf.

    # cd /tti_kit/tti_rtf 
    # ls 
      rtallocate    rtf.o    rtshow 
      rtdeallocate  rtf.install  rtfcontrol 

  5. Start the RDF/Ultrix installation by typing rtf.install.

    # rtf.install 

  6. You are asked for your MACHINE file name. In most cases you can just press the RETURN key to accept the default (shown between []).
    The first phase of the installation takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

     MACHINE file name [xxx]: 

  7. The final phase of the RDF installation, as part of the installation, reboots your Ultrix system. To start this final phase, type The final phase takes about 5 minutes to complete.

      Continue (yes/no)? YES 
      . the system reboots with RDF active 

RDF/Ultrix commands are the same as RDF/OpenVMS commands, except that the OpenVMS commands include a prefix of "@TTI_RDEV:" and the Ultrix commands do not. Also, the Ultrix commands use "rt" instead of "rd".

Example of RDF/Ultrix commands:

% rtshow zeus 
% rtallocate ZEUS:: msa0: 
% rtdeallocate tape01 

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