A Guide to the Sheerpower Language

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8.3 INPUT Commands and Keystrokes Available to the User

At an input prompt, there are several commands and keystrokes that the user can enter instead of an answer to the prompt. These are:

EXIT or [Ctrl/Z]

Type the word EXIT or press [Ctrl/Z] to exit from a prompt or procedure. If one of these options is entered, Sheerpower sets the internal variable _EXIT to TRUE (1).

[esc] or UP-Arrow

If [esc] or the Up-arrow key is entered, the internal variable _BACK will be set to TRUE (1).

HELP or [Help]

Get help for an input item by typing the word HELP or by pressing the [Help] button in the toolbar. If one of these options is input, Sheerpower sets the internal variable _HELP to TRUE (1).

_HELP should be checked before _BACK and/or _EXIT because, in some cases, all three are set on. For example, if "EXIT" is the default and the [Help] key is pressed, both _HELP and _EXIT are set on.

The internal variables _BACK, _EXIT and _HELP can be examined within a program and appropriate action can be taken.

8.3.1 Editing Input Response

The following keys allow the user to edit input:

Left-arrow move left
Right-arrow move right
Delete key delete character(s) to the left of the cursor
TAB move to next input field or terminate input
[CTRL/A] toggle between insert and overstrike mode
[CTRL/E] move to end of line
[CTRL/H] move to beginning of line
[CTRL/J] delete the word to the left of the cursor.
[CTRL/U] delete all the characters on a line.
[Enter] terminate the input; [Enter] can be pressed anywhere in the line, not only at the end of the line.

8.4 Inputting Strings

If the INPUT is to a string variable, the user can enter an unquoted or a quoted string. If the user enters an unquoted string, Sheerpower ignores any leading spaces, trailing spaces, or tabs. An unquoted string cannot contain commas.

If the user enters a quoted string, Sheerpower removes the quotes, and includes any leading or trailing spaces and tabs.

Example 8-6 Inputting Strings

  input 'Enter your name': name1$ 
  input 'Enter your name in quotes': name2$ 
  input 'Enter your name in quotes with spaces': name3$ 
  input 'Enter last name, comma, space, first name in quotes': name4$ 
  print name1$ 
  print name2$ 
  print name3$ 
  print name4$ 
Enter your name? Tony 
Enter your name in quotes? 'Tony' 
Enter your name in quotes with spaces? '  Tony  ' 
Enter last name, comma, space, first name in quotes? 'Smith, Tony' 
Smith, Tony 

8.5 Inputting Multiple Variables

8.5.1 Simple Multiple Variables

A single INPUT statement can be used to input several variables. The input items and variables must be separated with commas.

Example 8-7 Inputting Multiple Variables

  input 'Enter 3 names separated by commas': name1$, name2$, name3$ 
  print name1$, name2$, name3$ 
Enter 3 names separated by commas? Tom, Sue, George 
Tom                 Sue                 George 

If an INPUT statement contains a list of variables, Sheerpower asks for input until all of the variables have a value. If the user enters less data or more data than there are variables, Sheerpower generates an exception. If an exception occurs, Sheerpower restarts from the beginning.

Users can enter the data for a variable list in one of the following two ways:

  1. The user can enter each piece of data on a separate line by typing a comma as the last character on each continuing line. The comma tells Sheerpower that there is more data to come.

            Enter 3 names separated by commas? Tom, 
            ? Sue, 
            ? George 
            Tom                 Sue                 George 

  2. Users can enter the data on one line by separating the data with commas as shown in the first example above.

Whichever method is used, Sheerpower will continue accepting input data until all the variables have values.

Validating Data

It is best to not input directly into a database table(field)---but to instead always go through an intermediate variable that is a numeric or string variable:

Instead of:

  line input 'Last name': client(last_name) 


  line input 'Last name': last_name$ 
  client(last_name) = last_name$ 

This validates the data prior to storing it into the structure. For example:

Example 8-8 Validating Data Prior to Storing into a Table

    input 'Last name': last_name$ 
    if _exit then exit do
    if len(last_name$) < 2 then
      message error: 'Too short of a name' 
      repeat do
    end if
    client(last_name) = last_name$ 
  end do

8.5.2 LINE INPUT Statement

A number of variables can be input with one LINE INPUT statement. Simply list the variables separated by line terminators.

Example 8-9 LINE INPUT Statement

  line input 'Enter a comment, press Enter, enter a comment': &
       comment_1$, comment_2$ 
  print comment_1$ 
  print comment_2$ 
Enter a comment, press Enter, enter a comment? This is the first comment 
? This is the second comment 
This is the first comment 
This is the second comment 

Sheerpower asks for input until all of the variables listed have received a value.

Unlike the INPUT statement, commas cannot be used to separate answers. Each variable is prompted for separately. If a comma is in a user's response, the comma is just taken as part of the text.

8.6 INPUT Default Prompt and Text

By default, Sheerpower prints a question mark and a space and then waits for the user's response. To display prompt text before the question mark, enclose the prompt text in quotes and follow it with a colon. The colon separates the prompt text from the variable(s). The prompt text must follow the keyword INPUT and must be separated from the variable list by a colon.

When Sheerpower executes the INPUT statement, it prints the prompt text ("Your name" in the example below) followed by a question mark and a space.

Example 8-10 Input Default Prompt and Text

  input 'Your name': name$ 
  print name$ 
Your name? Fred 

8.7 PROMPT Option

The PROMPT option displays the specified prompt text without the question mark and space.


        PROMPT str_expr 

str_expr is a string expression which contains the prompt text. str_expr can be any string expression. The prompt text is separated from the variable list with a colon (:).


Example 8-11 PROMPT Option

  input prompt 'Please enter your name: ': name$ 
  print 'Hello '; name$ 
Please enter your name: Jackie 
Hello Jackie 

8.8 AT Option

The AT option positions the cursor on the specified row and column. This is the position where the INPUT statement starts the prompt, not where the user enters data.


        AT row, col 

row is the row number to print at. col is the column number to print at. row and col can be any integer numeric constants.


Example 8-12 AT row, col Option

  print at 1, 1: 
  input at 3, 10, prompt 'Please enter your name: ': name$ 
  print 'Hello '; name$ 
      Please enter your name: Jack    <-----this line gets printed at row 3, column 10 
Hello Jack 


The ATTRIBUTES option allows input with attributes. The available attributes are:


Multiple attributes used in one INPUT statement are separated by commas.

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