Network Security Agent

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Watch/Unwatch a Session

To watch the session, use the mouse to select and execute the Watch option. When Watch is selected, a window for the watched session pops up and the user's keystroke activity is displayed in the window. For example, if the user is entering data on an input screen, you will see the input screen and each keystroke as the user types.

Select the Unwatch option when you want to stop watching the session. When Unwatch is selected, the watched session window will disappear. If you select this option and the session is not being watched, an error message is displayed.

The Clear option on the Security menu can also be used to clear all watched sessions.

One or more sessions can be watched at any time.


To get a "snapshot" of current session activity, select the Snapshot option.

When the Snapshot option is selected, a window pops up and the user's most current keystroke activity is displayed in the window. To exit the snapshot procedure, click on the INSA Manager window and then press [Return] --- the snapshot window disappears.


If the session is being recorded, the Playback option allows you to play back the recording in progress.

When this option is selected, a message says that the playback window is being created and you will be able to start, search or cancel the playback. (Refer to Section 9.2.2, Playing Back a Recording, for detail playback information.)

Start Recording

The Start Recording option allows you to start recording the session you are reviewing.

Stop Recording

If the session you are reviewing is currently being recorded (you will see: Recording...), you can stop the recording process by selecting the Stop Recording option.

If you select this option and the session is not being recorded, an error message is displayed.


The Disconnect option is used to disconnect IP sessions.


ONLY IP sessions can be disconnected. If you attempt to disconnect a non-IP session, an error message is displayed.

If the session is an IP session, and you select Disconnect, you are asked to confirm this action.

                          +Sure DISCONNECT session+ 
                          |  Yes                  | 
                          |  No                   | 

  Select Yes if you are SURE you want to disconnect the IP session.
  Select No if you do NOT want to disconnect the IP session.

Displaying Incident Information

When you select Incidents, a menu of incidents is displayed if there have been alert incidents for this session. For example:

 INTOUCH INSA        INTOUCH INSA - Network Security Agent          23-Jan-1997 
             + Incidents for LAT 2.22:17, probably user ALLEN + 
             |  INVALID_LOGI  23-Jan-97  09:20:55 AM          | 
             |  MGMT          23-Jan-97  09:10:13 AM          | 
             |  MGMT          23-Jan-97  09:10:10 AM          | 
             |  MGMT          23-Jan-97  09:10:07 AM          | 
             |  Exit                                          | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

Incident Text

If you want to display text information on an alert incident, use the mouse to select a specific incident. The "Output Options" menu will be displayed. Select Screen to display the detailed incident data on the screen. (See Section 6.6.2, Report Output Options for output information.)

9.2 Playback Option

The Playback option on the Security menu, plays back previously recorded sessions.

When the Playback option is chosen,

                |  Sessions           | 
                |  Playback           | 
                |  Archive Playback   | 

you are asked to select what recorded sessions you want to play back. After you select the sessions you want, INSA Manager creates a menu list of the selected recordings. You can then play back any of the listed recordings.

9.2.1 Selecting Session Recordings to Play Back

When you select Playback from the Security menu, the following is displayed,

 INTOUCH INSA                      Playback                         23-Jan-1997 
   +Select Recordings+ 
   |  All            | 
   |  User names     | 
   |  Locations      | 
   |  Alert names    | 
   |  Exit           | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

and you are asked to select which session recordings you want to play back. The options are:
  All all of the recordings
  User names recordings for specific user names
  Locations recordings for specific addresses or domains
  Alert names recordings for specific alert names
  Exit return to the Security menu

Selecting All Recordings

The Select Recordings menu All option creates a menu list of all the recorded sessions. You can then play back any of the items on the menu list.

Example 9-4 All Recordings List

|  Recordings    Exit                                                          | 
 +-----------------------------Recorded Sessions------------------------------+ 
 |  Source Location     User         Alert    K bytes   Recording Date        | 
 |  RAY.UTW.COM         GRS          URGENT        24   14-Jan-1997 07:39:13  | 
 |  LAT 1.36:3          TONY         URGENT         6   22-Jan-1997 07:39:08  | 
 |  TTITEST.COM         DAN          URGENT        10   23-Jan-1997 10:02:52  | 
 |  LAT 9.214:8         JEANNIE      PRIV         139   13-Jan-1997 09:08:15  | 
 |  LAT 9.214:7         ALLEN        PRIV          76   22-Jan-1997 09:01:02  | 
 |  TTITEST.COM         DAN          URGENT        14   21-Jan-1997 10:12:40  | 
 |  LAT 1.10:1          ALLEN        URGENT       474   21-Jan-1997 10:08:16  | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

Each line of information includes:

Any of the recordings on the list can be played back. Section 9.2.2, Playing Back a Recording, explains how to select and play back a recording.

Selecting by User Names

If selecting recordings by User names,

                        +Select Recordings+ 
                        |  All            | 
                        |  User names     | 
                        |  Locations      | 
                        |  Alert names    | 
                        |  Exit           | 

you are asked for the user names you want to include.

User names (AAA,BBB,...)? ____________________________________________________ 

You can enter a single user name or a comma-separated list of user names. You can also use the asterisk (*) character as a wildcard. Here are some examples:

To select user name ALAN, enter:

To select user names, ALAN, SUE and GEORGE, enter:

To select the user names that:


After the user names are entered,

User names (AAA,BBB,...)? dan,allen___________________________________________ 

a menu list of the recorded sessions for the specified user names is displayed. For example:

|  Recordings    Exit                                                          | 
 +-----------------------------Recorded Sessions------------------------------+ 
 |  Source Location     User         Alert    K bytes   Recording Date        | 
 |  TTITEST.COM         DAN          URGENT        10   23-Jan-1997 10:02:52  | 
 |  LAT 9.214:7         ALLEN        PRIV          76   22-Jan-1997 09:01:02  | 
 |  TTITEST.COM         DAN          URGENT        14   21-Jan-1997 10:12:40  | 
 |  LAT 1.10:1          ALLEN        URGENT       474   21-Jan-1997 10:08:16  | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

Any of the recordings on the list can be played back. Section 9.2.2, Playing Back a Recording, explains how to select and play back a recording.

Selecting by Locations

If selecting session recordings by Locations,

                        +Select Recordings+ 
                        |  All            | 
                        |  User names     | 
                        |  Locations      | 
                        |  Alert names    | 
                        |  Exit           | 

you are asked for the locations you want to include.

Locations (AAA,BBB,...)? ___________________________________________________ 

You can enter a single location/address, or a list of locations separated by commas. You can use the asterisk (*) character as a wildcard. Here are some examples:

To select LAT addresses that begin with LAT 1, enter:

To select IP domain names that end in .COM and IP addresses that end in .3, enter:

After you enter the locations,

Locations (AAA,BBB,...)? *.com______________________________________________ 

a menu list of the recorded sessions for the specified locations is displayed. For example:

|  Recordings    Exit                                                          | 
 +-----------------------------Recorded Sessions------------------------------+ 
 |  Source Location     User         Alert    K bytes   Recording Date        | 
 |  RAY.UTW.COM         GRS          URGENT        24   14-Jan-1997 07:39:13  | 
 |  TTITEST.COM         DAN          URGENT        10   23-Jan-1997 10:02:52  | 
 |  TTITEST.COM         DAN          URGENT        14   21-Jan-1997 10:12:40  | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

Any of the recordings on the list can be played back. Section 9.2.2, Playing Back a Recording, explains how to select and play back a recording.

Selecting by Alert Names

If selecting recordings by Alert names,

                        +Select Recordings+ 
                        |  All            | 
                        |  User names     | 
                        |  Locations      | 
                        |  Alert names    | 
                        |  Exit           | 

you are asked to select the alert names you want to include on the recordings menu list.

INSA Manager displays a menu of alert names for you to select from. The alert names come from the alert file. For example:

                        +Select Alert Names+ 
                        |  all             | 
                        |  INVALID_LOGIN   | 
                        |  MGMT            | 
                        |  PAYROLL         | 
                        |  PRIV            | 
                        |  URGENT          | 
                        |  Exit            | 

You can select one, several or all alert names.

To include ALL alert names, select the all menu item.

To select an alert name, use the mouse to select the name you want from the menu of alert names. The selection is displayed at the top of the screen. Repeat this procedure for each name you want to select. Select as many alert names as you wish.

To remove one of the selected names, select the Remove Alert Name option. A menu of the selected alert names is displayed.

                          +--Select Alert Names--+ 
                          |  ...               +Remove Alert Name-+ 
                          |  Remove Alert Name |  INVALID_LOGIN   | 
                          |--------------------|  MGMT            | 
                          |  Exit              |  PRIV            | 

Use the mouse to select the name you want to remove. The name will be removed from the list at the top of the screen. Repeat this procedure to remove any other names.

Select the accept current default menu item when you are done selecting (and removing) alert names.

Use the reset menu option to erase the current selections and start over.

The alert names you select are displayed at the top of the screen.

After you finish selecting alert names, a menu list of the recorded sessions for the specified alert names is displayed. For example, if the alert PRIV is selected, the list would show:

|  Recordings    Exit                                                          | 
 +-----------------------------Recorded Sessions------------------------------+ 
 |  Source Location     User         Alert    K bytes   Recording Date        | 
 |  LAT 9.214:8         JEANNIE      PRIV         139   13-Jan-1997 09:08:15  | 
 |  LAT 9.214:7         ALLEN        PRIV          76   22-Jan-1997 09:01:02  | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

Any of the recordings on the list can be played back. Section 9.2.2, Playing Back a Recording, explains how to select and play back a recording.

9.2.2 Playing Back a Recording

To start the playback procedure, use the mouse to select a recording from the Recorded Sessions menu list. In the following example, the recording for user ALLEN is selected:

|  Recordings    Exit                                                          | 
 +-----------------------------Recorded Sessions------------------------------+ 
 |  Source Location     User         Alert    K bytes   Recording Date        | 
 |  RAY.UTW.COM         GRS          URGENT        24   14-Jan-1997 07:39:13  | 
 |  LAT 1.36:3          TONY         URGENT         6   22-Jan-1997 07:39:08  | 
 |  TTITEST.COM         DAN          URGENT        10   23-Jan-1997 10:02:52  | 
 |  LAT 9.214:8         JEANNIE      PRIV         139   13-Jan-1997 09:08:15  | 
 |  LAT 9.214:7         ALLEN        PRIV          76   22-Jan-1997 09:01:02  | 
 |  TTITEST.COM         DAN          URGENT        14   21-Jan-1997 10:12:40  | 
 |  LAT 1.10:1          ALLEN        URGENT       474   21-Jan-1997 10:08:16  | 

After the recording is selected (ALLEN in this case), the screen clears and you see information about the recorded session and a message telling you that the playback window is being created.

 INTOUCH INSA                      Playback                         23-Jan-1997 
   +----------------Recording started on 21-Jan-1997 10:08:16---------------+ 
   |                                                                        | 
   | LAT 1.10:1, probably user ALLEN                                        | 
   |                                                                        | 
   | Last login    : 21-Jan-1997 09:10:36                                   | 
   | Alert         : URGENT                                                 | 
   | Recording size: 474 KB                                                 | 
                          Creating playback window... 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

Next, INSA Manager opens the playback window and places you in the playback window.


At this time, the "active" window is the playback window which is blank. You are currently in the playback window, and you have to click back on the INSA Manager window which looks like the following.

 INTOUCH INSA                      Playback                         23-Jan-1997 
   +----------------Recording started on 21-Jan-1997 10:08:16---------------+ 
   |                                                                        | 
   | LAT 1.10:1, probably user ALLEN                                        | 
   |                                                                        | 
   | Last login    : 21-Jan-1997 09:10:36                                   | 
   | Alert         : URGENT                                                 | 
   | Recording size: 474 KB                                                 | 
                           |  Start Playback    | 
                           |  Search Recording  | 
                           |  Cancel Playback   | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

After you click back to the INSA Manager window, you can select what you want to do next. The options are:
  Start Playback start playing back the recorded session
  Search Recording search the recording for a pattern of text, characters, etc.
  Cancel Playback cancel this playback and return to the recordings list menu

If you select Start Playback, INSA Manager starts the playback and displays the playback Options box and the Status box.

 INTOUCH INSA                      Playback                         23-Jan-1997 
   +----------------Recording started on 21-Jan-1997 10:08:16---------------+ 
   |                                                                        | 
   | LAT 1.10:1, probably user ALLEN                                        | 
   |                                                                        | 
   | Last login    : 21-Jan-1997 09:10:36                                   | 
   | Alert         : URGENT                                                 | 
   | Recording size: 474 KB                                                 | 
   |                  Options                 ||            File            | 
   |                                          ||                            | 
   | Press any key for a menu of playback     ||           current          | 
   | options.                                 |+----------------------------+ 
   |                                          |+----------------------------+ 
   | Press the + (plus) key to increase the   ||           Status           | 
   | playback speed.                          ||                            | 
   |                                          || Status        : PLAY       | 
   | Press the - (minus) key to decrease the  || Play Rate     : 50         | 
   | playback speed.                          || K bytes played: 94         | 
   |                                          || Percent played: 20         | 
   +------------------------------------------+|                            | 
                                               |    21-Jan-1997 10:35:08    | 
EXIT = Exit                       INTOUCH INSA             \ = Back  HELP = Help

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