A Guide to the Sheerpower Language

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        OPEN TABLE table_name: NAME 'table_filename' 
          [, ACCESS INPUT | OUTIN] [, LOCK] [, DATAFILE filename] 
          [, OPTIMIZE OFF] [,CACHESIZE num] 


Example 15-3 OPEN TABLE

  open table cl: name 'sheerpower:samples\client', & 
    access input, lock    
  extract table cl 
    include cl(state) = 'CA' 
    exclude cl(phone)[1:3] = '619' 
    sort ascending by cl(last) 
  end extract
  print 'List of California clients by last name' 
  for each cl 
    print cl(first); ' '; cl(last), cl(phone) 
  next cl 
  close table cl 
List of California clients by last name 
Dale Derringer      (818) 223-9014 
Earl Errant         (408) 844-7676 


The OPEN TABLE statement is used to open a data table. The table must be open in order to reference data in the table (i.e. change field data, add or delete records). table_name is a name (i.e. nickname) you assign to the table. You use this name to refer to the table within the program. The table name must be unique within the program or program system. If the table name is associated with another open table, an exception is generated. The table name must meet the requirements for variable names.

After the keyword NAME, is the file specification of the table file being opened. (See Chapter 16, Database Setup for information on legal table file names.) The file specification can be any valid string expression.

The ACCESS option tells Sheerpower whether to open the table for input (reading field data) or for input and output (reading, changing and adding field data). ACCESS input is the default open mode for table, meaning, that if no ACCESS option is provided, Sheerpower opens the table for INPUT.

When Sheerpower executes the OPEN statement, it searches for the table file specified. Sheerpower opens the table and assigns it the table name. If the table file does not exist, an exception is generated.

15.2.1 ACCESS Option

The ACCESS option determines how you can access the table.

The access options are:

15.2.2 CACHESIZE Option

The CACHESIZE option specifies how many megabytes (MB) of cache to allocate for this table. The range is from 1 to 2000 megabytes (2GB). If a default cachesize is not specified, Sheerpower attempts to select the optimal size for the cache.

15.2.3 LOCK Option

The LOCK option causes Sheerpower to lock the table from write access by others. As long as the table is open, the table cannot be modified by others. This can speed up Sheerpower's table statements (EXTRACT statements especially). The particular effect depends on the file management system being used.

15.2.4 DATAFILE Option

The DATAFILE option overrides the default datafile as specified by the table.


        DATAFILE file_spec 

file_spec is the file specification of the data file you want to open. The file_spec can be any string expression.



        CLOSE TABLE table_name 


Example 15-4 CLOSE TABLE

  open table cl: name 'sheerpower:samples\client' 
  extract table cl 
    include cl(state) = 'CA' 
    exclude cl(phone)[1:3] = '619' 
    sort ascending by cl(last) 
  end extract
  print 'List of California Clients' 
  for each cl 
    print cl(first); ' '; cl(last), cl(phone) 
  next cl 
  close table cl 
List of California Clients 
Dale Derringer      (818) 223-9014 
Earl Errant         (408) 844-7676 


CLOSE TABLE closes a table from further access. Once the table is closed, you cannot reference records or add them, and you cannot change field data. table_name is the name associated with the table, the name assigned with the OPEN statement.

You can use the statement CLOSE ALL to close all open tables and other files. The END and STOP statements also close all open tables and files that the program was using.



        ADD TABLE table_name 
          [LET] table_name(field) = expr 
        END ADD 


Example 15-5 ADD TABLE/END ADD - Add Table Record

  open table cl: name 'sheerpower:samples\client', access outin
  input 'Enter ID number': id% 
  input 'Enter last name': last$ 
  input 'Enter first name': first$ 
  input 'Enter state': state$ 
  input 'Enter phone': phone$ 
  add structure cl 
    print 'Adding '; last$; ', '; first$ 
    let cl(id) = id% 
    let cl(last) = last$ 
    let cl(first) = first$ 
    let cl(state) = state$ 
    let cl(phone) = phone$ 
  end add        
  close table cl 
Enter ID number? 12233 
Enter last name? Jones 
Enter first name? Tom 
Enter state? NV 
Enter phone? 2345556161 
Adding Jones, Tom 


ADD TABLE adds a record to a table. The ADD TABLE statement begins the add block. table_name is the name associated with the table that the record is going to be added to. END ADD marks the end of the block.

When ADD TABLE is executed, Sheerpower executes the block of code between the ADD TABLE statement and END ADD. This block of code with LET statements is used to put data into the fields.

LET assigns a value to the field specified. table_name(field) specifies a field in the table. expr is an expression. When Sheerpower executes the LET statement, it evaluates the expression and assigns the value of this expression to the field specified. END ADD writes out the new record.



        CANCEL ADD 


Example 15-6 CANCEL ADD - Cancel Adding a Table Record

  open structure cl: name 'sheerpower:samples\client', access outin
  add structure cl 
    input 'Client ID': cl(id) 
    if  _exit  then cancel add
    input 'Last name': cl(last) 
    if  _exit  then cancel add
    input 'First name': cl(first) 
    if  _exit  then cancel add
    print 'Adding client' 
  end add
Client ID? 14422 
Last name? White 
First name? exit 


CANCEL ADD immediately transfers control to the next statement after the END ADD statement, without adding any of the current record to a table.

This statement can be used only within an ADD block---that is, between an ADD STRUCTURE and an END ADD pair of statements.

15.4.2 EXIT ADD


        EXIT ADD 


Example 15-7 EXIT ADD - Exit When Adding a Table Record

  open table cl: name 'sheerpower:samples\client', access outin
  add table cl 
    input 'Client ID ': cl(id) 
    input 'Last name ': cl(last) 
    input 'First name': cl(first) 
    input 'Contact   ': cl(contact) 
    if  _exit  then exit add
    input 'Salesman  ': cl(salesman) 
    input 'Mother    ': cl(mother) 
    input 'Comment   ': cl(comment) 
  end add
  print 'Client added' 
Client ID ? 11111 
Last name ? Hollerith 
First name? Herman 
Contact   ? exit 
Client added 


EXIT ADD transfers control immediately to the corresponding END ADD statement and ADDS the record to the table.

This statement is useful when you want to add a record but do not have all the data. You can enter data into the first few fields and skip the rest of the fields.

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