A Guide to the Sheerpower Language

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The FIELD option allows for record retrieval using a key field in a table. SETUP's "SHOW FIELDS" menu option (see Chapter 16, Database Setup) displays the field names. The FIELD option is currently used only with the KEY or PARTIAL KEY option. The KEY option specifies the key to look for. The key is contained in str_expr.

The above example shows how to look in the CLIENT structure for an ID.

_EXTRACTED contains the number of records extracted. If the operation fails, _EXTRACTED will be 0 and an error message will be displayed.



        SET TABLE table_name, FIELD field_expr: PARTIAL KEY str_expr 



  open table cl: name 'sheerpower:samples\client' 
  input 'Name': name$ 
  set table cl, field last: partial key name$ 
  print cl(id); ' '; cl(last) 
Name? D 
80561 Derringer 


This statement retrieves the first record matching the partial key in str_expr.

15.9.4 SET TABLE: ID


        SET TABLE table_name: ID str_expr 


Example 15-48 SET TABLE: ID

  declare table str 
  open table cl: name 'sheerpower:samples\client' 
  ask table cl: id cl_id$ 
  set table str: id cl_id$ 
  extract table str 
  end extract
  for each str 
    print str(#1); ' '; str(#2) 
  next str 
20000 Smith 
20001 Jones 
20002 Kent 
23422 Johnson 
32001 Waters 
43223 Errant 
80542 Brock 
80543 Cass 
80544 Porter 
80561 Derringer 
80573 Farmer 


SET TABLE: ID sets a table to a table ID that has been stored previously into a string variable with the ASK TABLE: ID statement. Once the SET TABLE: ID statement has been used, the table with the new table name (STR in the example) can be accessed. By using these statements, generalized routines can be written when the table that will be accessed until runtime is not known.



        SET TABLE table_name: POINTER num_expr 


Example 15-49 SET TABLE: POINTER

  open table cl: name 'sheerpower:samples\client' 
  extract table cl 
  end extract
  set table cl: pointer 3 
  print cl(id); ' ' ; cl(last) 
23422 Johnson 


This statement sets the table to the nth record extracted. The statement is useful after an extract has been done because it provides random access to any record extracted. There is no error message if there are no records extracted, or if the number given is out of range. If the number is valid, _EXTRACTED is set to 1; otherwise, it is set to 0.



        SET TABLE table_name: EXTRACTED 0 


Example 15-50 SET TABLE: EXTRACTED 0

  open table vend: name 'sheerpower:samples\vendor' 
  set table vend: extracted 0


Setting the number of records extracted to zero causes a new collection to be started. The SET TABLE table_name : EXTRACTED 0 statement is used in conjunction with the EXTRACT TABLE table_name: APPEND statement.

15.10 Update a Table Record

Below is an example of opening an existing table, extracting a record from it and updating the information in the record.

Example 15-51 Updating a Table Record

// Simple customer query 
open table cust: name 'sheerpower:\samples\customer', access outin
  line input 'Customer number', default '12513': cust$ 
  if _exit or _back or cust$ = '' then exit do // get out if nothing to do 
  set table cust, field custnbr: key cust$  // do the search 
  if _extracted = 0 then
    message error: 'Cannot find '; cust$ 
    repeat do
  end if
  print cust(custnbr), cust(name) 
  line input 'New name', default cust(name): newname$ 
  if _exit or _back then repeat do
  if newname$ = cust(name) then repeat do // nothing to do 
  cust(name) = newname$  // update the name 
  print 'Name changed to: '; cust(name) 

Chapter 16
Database Setup

16.1 SETUP--Overview

Sheerpower works with data in any database engine. The SETUP process in SPDEV tells Sheerpower where data files are located and what database engines are used. Tables (structures) and definitions are the description of the data layout and it's characteristics. Once the tables have been defined with SETUP, Sheerpower's table statements can be used to manipulate the data.


In Sheerpower, the words "structure" and "table" are synonymous.

SETUP supports the following database engines:


16.1.1 Entering SETUP

SETUP is entered by selecting Sheerpower on the toolbar, then selecting Setup Data Structures.

Example 16-1 Entering SETUP

The OPEN STRUCTURE dialog box will open. If this is an existing table, select the folder where it is stored, then select the file name.

If you are creating a new table, choose the folder where it is to be stored and type in the file name.

Click on [Open] to open the selected existing table or create the new table.

Example 16-2 Open Table/Structure

Once the table has been opened, the STRUCTURE DEFINITION window will be displayed.

Example 16-3 Structure (Table) Definition Window

16.2 SETUP Table Definitions

This section describes the SETUP table definition fields and options. Data fields inside the table can be defined or modified. Field definitions can also be displayed in multiple formats.

Default answers are provided for many of the table definition fields. You may either accept the default answer, or type in different information.

16.2.1 Table Name

The NAME of the table will default to be the same name as the file that you opened or created. The default extension for the file is .STR. The table file contains:

The table name can be any Windows file specification.

Clicking on the [...] button to the left of the table NAME field will reopen the Open Structure dialog box. This allows you to select a different table to open.

16.2.2 Database Engine

Click on the down arrow beside the DATABASE field to select the DATABASE ENGINE used by this table.

Example 16-4 Selecting Database Engine

If this is a new table, the default database engine will be ARS.

When modifying an existing data table, the default will be the database engine specified in the table file when it was originally setup.

16.2.3 Data Set

Inside the DATA SET field, type in the name of the DATA SET that will be used with this table. If this is a new table, the default data set name will be the same as the table name. The default extension is .ARS.

Example 16-5 Data Set

The same data set can be used for a number of tables. For instance, you might use the CUSTOMER data set for both a CUSTOMER and a SALES table:

             table files      data set 
             CUSTOMER.STR         | 
                         \        | 
                          \       v 

This can be useful when there are multiple uses for a set of data, but the access and definitions required should be different for each table.

The data set name can be any Windows file specification.

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