A Guide to the Sheerpower Language

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Chapter 5
5 Assigning Variables and Defining Arrays
     5.1     DECLARE
         5.1.1         Multiple Data Types
         5.1.2         DECLARE TABLE
     5.2     OPTION Statements
         5.2.1         OPTION REQUIRE DECLARE
         5.2.2         OPTION BASE
     5.3     LET
     5.4     Assigning String Values
         5.4.1         LSET, RSET and CSET
         5.4.2         LSET
         5.4.3         RSET
         5.4.4         CSET
     5.5     LSET, RSET, CSET FILL
     5.6     DATA, READ, RESTORE statements
         5.6.1         READ
         5.6.2         RESTORE
     5.7     Private Variables in Routines
     5.8     Defining Arrays
         5.8.1         Dimensioning Arrays
         5.8.2         DIM
         5.8.3         REDIM
         5.8.4         OPTION BASE
Chapter 6
6 Built-in Functions
     6.1     Common Math Functions
         6.1.1         CEIL(num_expr)
         6.1.2         DIV0(num_expr1, num_expr2)
         6.1.3         FP(num_expr)
         6.1.4         INT(num_expr)
         6.1.5         INTEGER(num_expr)
         6.1.6         IP(num_expr)
         6.1.7         MAX(num_expr, num_expr)
         6.1.8         MIN(num_expr1, num_expr2)
         6.1.9         MOD(num_expr1, num_expr2)
         6.1.10         REAL(num_expr)
         6.1.11         REMAINDER(num_expr1, num_expr2)
         6.1.12         RND
         6.1.13         ROUND(num_expr [, int_expr])
         6.1.14         TRUNCATE(num_expr, int_expr)
     6.2     Transcendental Functions
         6.2.1         ABS(num_expr)
         6.2.2         ACOS(num_expr)
         6.2.3         ANGLE(num_expr, num_expr)
         6.2.4         ASIN(num_expr)
         6.2.5         ATN(num_expr)
         6.2.6         COS(num_expr)
         6.2.7         COSH(num_expr)
         6.2.8         COT(num_expr)
         6.2.9         CSC(num_expr)
         6.2.10         DEG(num_expr)
         6.2.11         EXP(num_expr)
         6.2.12         LOG(num_expr)
         6.2.13         LOG2(num_expr)
         6.2.14         LOG10(num_expr)
         6.2.15         PI
         6.2.16         RAD(num_expr)
         6.2.17         SEC(num_expr)
         6.2.18         SGN(num_expr)
         6.2.19         SIN(num_expr)
         6.2.20         SINH(num_expr)
         6.2.21         SQR(num_expr)
         6.2.22         TAN(num_expr)
         6.2.23         TANH(num_expr)
     6.3     Date and Time Functions
         6.3.1         DATE
         6.3.2         DATE$[(int_expr1, [int_expr2])]
         6.3.3         DAYS(str_expr [, int_num])
         6.3.4         DAY$[(int_expr)]
         6.3.5         FULLTIME$[(float_expr, [int_var])]
         6.3.6         SECONDS(str_expr)
         6.3.7         TIME(int_expr)
         6.3.8         TIME(5)
         6.3.9         TIME$
         6.3.10         Pivot Date
     6.4     String Manipulation Functions
         6.4.1         ASCII(str_expr)
         6.4.2         BASE64ENCODE$(str_expr,[boolean])
         6.4.3         BASE64DECODE$(str_expr)
         6.4.4         CHANGE$(str_expr1, str_expr2, str_expr3)
         6.4.5         CHARSET$[(str_expr)]
         6.4.6         CHR$(int_expr1[, int_expr2])
         6.4.7         CONVERT$(int_expr1 [[, int_expr2], int_expr3])
         6.4.8         CONVERT(str_expr)
         6.4.9         CPAD$(text_str, size [, pad_str])
         6.4.10         EDIT$(str_expr,int_expr)
         6.4.11         ELEMENTS(str_expr1 [, str_expr2])
         6.4.12         ELEMENT$(str_expr1, num_expr [, str_expr2])
         6.4.13         ENCODE$(num_expr, num_int)
         6.4.14         FORMAT$(expr, str_expr)
         6.4.15         GEODISTANCE(str_expr1, str_expr2)
         6.4.16         GETSYMBOL$(str_expr1,[boolean])
         6.4.17         GETWORD$(str_expr1 [, num_expr [, str_expr2]])
         6.4.18         HASH$(str_expr1 [, str_expr2 [, int_expr] [,3]])
         6.4.19         HTMLDECODE$(str_expr)
         6.4.20         HTMLENCODE$(str_expr)
         6.4.21         LCASE$(str_expr)
         6.4.22         LEFT[$](str_expr, int_expr)
         6.4.23         LEN(str_expr)
         6.4.24         LPAD$(text_str, size [, pad_str])
         6.4.25         LTRIM$(str_expr)
         6.4.26         MATCHWORD(str_expr1, str_expr2[, num_expr])
         6.4.27         MAXLEN(str_var)
         6.4.28         MEM(int_memory_address)
         6.4.29         MID[$](str_expr, int_expr1 [,int_expr2])
         6.4.30         ORD(str_expr)
         6.4.31         ORDNAME$(int_expr)
         6.4.32         PARSE$(str_expr)
         6.4.33         PHASH$(str_expr [, int_expr])
         6.4.34         PIECES(str_expr1 [,str_expr2])
         6.4.35         PIECE$(str_expr1,num_expr[,str_expr2])
         6.4.36         PRETTY$(str_expr)
         6.4.37         QUOTE$(str_expr)
         6.4.38         REPEAT$(str_expr, int_expr)
         6.4.39         REPLACE$(str_expr1, str_expr2 [,str_sep1][,str_sep2])
         6.4.40         RIGHT[$](str_expr, int_expr)
         6.4.41         RPAD$(text_str, size[,pad_str])
         6.4.42         RTFENCODE$(str_expr)
         6.4.43         RTFDECODE$(str_expr)
         6.4.44         RTRIM$(str_expr)
         6.4.45         SEG$(str_expr, int_expr1, int_expr2)
         6.4.46         SORT$(str_expr1 [,str_expr2])
         6.4.47         SPACE$(num_expr)
         6.4.48         STR$(num_expr)
         6.4.49         TAB(int_expr)
         6.4.50         TRIM$(str_expr)
         6.4.51         UCASE$(str_expr)
         6.4.52         UNQUOTE$(str_expr)
         6.4.53         URLENCODE$(str_expr)
         6.4.54         URLDECODE$(str_expr)
         6.4.55         UUID$
         6.4.56         VAL(num_str)
         6.4.57         WRAP$(str_expr, int_expr1, int_expr2)
         6.4.58         XLATE$(str_expr1, str_expr2)
     6.5     String Searching and Comparing Functions
         6.5.1         COMPARE(str_expr1, str_expr2)
         6.5.2         ITEM(str_expr1, str_expr2)
         6.5.3         MATCH(str_expr1, str_expr2 [, TRUE])
         6.5.4         PATTERN(str_expr1, str_expr2)
         6.5.5         POS(str_expr1, str_expr2[, int_expr])
         6.5.6         SCAN(str_expr1, str_expr2 [, int_expr])
         6.5.7         SKIP(str_expr1 [, str_expr2] [, int_expr])
     6.6     User Interface Functions
         6.6.1         _BACK
         6.6.2         _EXIT
         6.6.3         _HELP
         6.6.4         _REPLY
         6.6.5         _TERMINATOR
         6.6.6         VALID(text_str, rule_str)
     6.7     File and Structure Access Functions
         6.7.1         _CHANNEL
         6.7.2         _EXTRACTED
         6.7.3         FILEINFO$(str_expr1 [, str_expr2 [, str_expr3]])
         6.7.4         FILEINFO$ Contents Option
         6.7.5         FINDFILE$(str_expr [, int_expr])
     6.8     Debugging and Exception Handling Functions
         6.8.1         _DEBUG
         6.8.2         _STATUS
         6.8.3         _STRING
         6.8.4         EXLABEL$
         6.8.5         EXTEXT$[(int_expr)]
         6.8.6         EXTYPE
         6.8.7         SYSTEXT$
     6.9     Miscellaneous Functions
         6.9.1         DECODE(str_expr, int_expr)
         6.9.2         DTYPE(expr)
         6.9.3         EVAL(str_expr)
         6.9.4         FALSE
         6.9.5         LBOUND(array_name [,int_expr])
         6.9.6         MAXNUM
         6.9.7         SIZE(array_name [,int_expr])
         6.9.8         TRUE
         6.9.9         UBOUND(array_name [, int_expr])

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