A Guide to the Sheerpower Language

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The default SUBMIT buttons are:

To create your own custom submit buttons insert the following HTML code inside your form code:

  <input type=submit name=submit value="Send Info"> 

The same can be done to custom create your own Exit, Help and Back buttons.

You can place the submit buttons whereever you want on the form.

Example 9-19 Custom Submit Buttons

  form$ = '<form>' 
  form$ = form$ + '<h2>Test Question</h2><p>' 
  form$ = form$ + '1. Solve the following equation: <b>1=sin(3x) - cos(6x)</b>' 
  form$ = form$ + '<p>Type in your final answer inside the space provided below.<p>' 
  form$ = form$ + '<input type=text name=solution value="type your solution here"><p>' 
  form$ = form$ + '<input type=submit name=submit value="Send my solution!">' 
  form$ = form$ + '<input type=submit name=exit value="Uh-Uh! Get me outta here!">' 
  form$ = form$ + '<input type=submit name=help value="">' 
  form$ = form$ + '<input type=submit name=back value="Back up!">' 
  form$ = form$ + '</form>' 
  input dialogbox form$: ans$ 
  end Image Submit Buttons

Images can be used for submit buttons in INPUT DIALOGBOX. The format is:

  <input type=submit name=submit src="url_of_image.jpg"> 

Example 9-20 Image Submit Buttons

  img_location$ = 'sheerpower:samples' 
  form$ = '<form>' 
  form$ = form$ + '<sheerpower color="white">' 
  form$ = form$ + '<h2>Test Question</h2><p>' 
  form$ = form$ + '1. Solve the following equation: <b>1=sin(3x) - cos(6x)</b>' 
  form$ = form$ + '<p>Type in your final answer inside the space provided below.<p>' 
  form$ = form$ + '<input type=text name=solution value="type your solution here">' 
  form$ = form$ + '<input type=submit name=submit src="'+ img_location$ + '\help_submit.jpg">' 
  form$ = form$ + '</form>' 
  input dialogbox form$: ans$ 
  end SELECT


The SELECT tag creates a drop down menu inside a form. Inside SELECT, only a sequence of OPTION tags is allowed. Each sequence can be followed by an arbitrary amount of plain text.

Example 9-21 <select >... </select > Tag

  form_menu$ = '<form>' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + 'City: <select name=city>' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="San Diego">San Diego, CA' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="Las Vegas">Las Vegas, NV' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="Minneapolis">Minneapolis, MN' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '</select>'
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '</form>' 
  input dialogbox form_menu$: choice$ 

SELECT Tag Attributes

Table 9-3 SELECT Tag Attributes
Attribute Function
name the symbolic name for this SELECT element (must be present)
size the value of SIZE then determines how many items will be visible
multiple if present (no value), specifies that the SELECT should allow multiple selections (n of many behavior)

Example 9-22 <select > Tag and Attributes

  form_menu$ = '<form>' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + 'City: <select multiple size=2 name=city>' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="San Diego">San Diego' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="Las Vegas">Las Vegas' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="Minneapolis">Minneapolis' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="Pheonix">Pheonix' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="New York">New York' 
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '<option value="New Jersey">New Jersey'  
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '</select>'
  form_menu$ = form_menu$ + '</form>' 
  input dialogbox form_menu$: choice$ 


The TEXTAREA tag is used to place a multiline text entry field with optional default contents in a fill-out form.

TEXTAREA Tag Attributes

Table 9-4 TEXTAREA Tag Attributes
Attribute Function
name the symbolic name of the text entry field
rows the number of rows (vertical height in characters) of the text entry field
cols the number of columns (horizontal width in characters) of the text entry field

Example 9-23 <textarea >... </textarea > tag

  form_box$ = '<form>' 
  form_box$ = form_box$ + '<textarea name=comments rows=10 cols=30>' 
  form_box$ = form_box$ + 'Please type your comments in here.' 
  form_box$ = form_box$ + '</textarea>'
  form_box$ = form_box$ + '</form>' 
  input dialogbox form_box$: choice$ 

9.4.3 Formatting Tags CENTER


The CENTER tag defines text that should be centered.

Example 9-24 <center >... </center > tag

  test$ = '<form>' 
  test$ = test$ + '<center><b><h3>Book Request Form</center></h3></b><p>' 
  test$ = test$ + 'Title: <input type=text name=title size=46><br>' 
  test$ = test$ + 'Author: <input type=text name=author size=45>' 
  form$ = test$ + '</form>' 
  input dialogbox test$: answer$ 


The PARAGRAPH tag starts a new paragraph by separating one paragraph from another with white space. The </P> tag is optional if the tag is only to insert space between two paragraphs, but vital when attributes (for example, ALIGN="center") are to apply to the whole paragraph. The ALIGN attribute can be one of LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER.

Example 9-25 <p >... </p > tag

  text$ = '<form>' 
  text$ = text$ + '<b>Paragraph Example</b>' 
  text$ = text$ + '<p>The following paragraphs will ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'illustrate the left, right and center attributes to the ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'paragraph tag.' 
  text$ = text$ + '<p align=left>' 
  text$ = text$ + 'This Agreement is governed by, and construed in accordance with, ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'the laws of the State of California, without regard to your actual state or ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'country of residence. Any modification of any provision of this Agreement will' 
  text$ = text$ + ' be effective only if in writing and signed by TTI.</p>' 
  text$ = text$ + '<p align=right>'
  text$ = text$ + 'If, for any reason, a court of competent jurisdiction ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'finds any provision or portion of this Agreement to be unenforceable, the remainder ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect.</p>' 
  text$ = text$ + '<p align=center>'
  text$ = text$ + 'This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'you and TTI, with respect to the subject matter at hand. This Agreement supersedes ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'and replaces all other understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such ' 
  text$ = text$ + 'subject matter.</p>' 
  input dialogbox text$: answer$ 


The LINE BREAK tag breaks the current line of text. There is no </br> tag.

Example 9-26 <br > tag

  test$ = '<form>' 
  test$ = test$ + '1<br>2<br>3<br>4<br>5<br>6<br>7<br>8<br>9<br>10' 
  test$ = test$ + '</form>' 
  input dialogbox test$: answer$ 


The ORDERED LIST tag introduces an ordered (numbered) list, which is made up of list item (LI) tags.

Example 9-27 <ol >... </ol > tag

  nlist$ = '<form>' 
  nlist$ = nlist$ + '<ol>' 
  nlist$ = nlist$ + '<li>This is the first item' 
  nlist$ = nlist$ + '<li>This is the second item' 
  nlist$ = nlist$ + '<li>This is the third item' 
  nlist$ = nlist$ + '<li>This is the fourth item' 
  nlist$ = nlist$ + '</ol>'
  nlist$ = nlist$ + '</form>' 
  input dialogbox nlist$: example$ 

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